At times, just ask your heart how it’s doing?
If your heart responds in the assertive, you know there’s nothing to worry about. But what if? Though we hope it seldom happens, but just as the old cliché goes, “prevention is better than cure.”
It is this prevention factor that has given rise to a whole new thought process at Max, as we are working towards making prevention easier and less taxing for those who are in need. Hence comes into picture, Preventive Cardiology where the focus is on prevention.
Now one may think, what’s new about it? Well, the heart diseases we talk about may not be new, but the thought process is. At Max, we constantly endeavor to inform people globally on the FAQs about various heart diseases. We don’t encourage diseases, we encourage well being.
Through Preventive Cardiology, we explain what exactly are the signs of heart diseases? Is it the irregular beating of heart? Is it the difficulty in breathing that one experiences at times? Could it also be the retrosternal discomfort that one experiences after physical exercise or mental stress? Or could it be the stress that one undergoes day-in and day-out?
Well, it could be all of it, or none of it. Essentially any physical discomfort arising due to the abuse of an affluent lifestyle, irresponsible dietary habits, perpetual stress, smoking, excessive tobacco, and alcohol consumption, could ultimately lead to heart diseases.
Some might also be complaining about Hypertension and Diabetes. These too could lead to Coronary Artery diseases.
In order to keep heart diseases at bay, one should ideally strive to evade the factors mentioned above. Furthermore if need be, then our team is constantly working towards making the whole experience of examination/ investigation and treatment appear like a vacation – time away from work – than like some trauma. But the bottom line remains, your heart is in your hand. Periodic check up is like periodic servicing of motor vehicles to achieve best health and life.
Please keep walking briskly 4-5 kms daily to keep your heart young and healthy.