What is Obesity?
Obesity is one of the most common and one of the major problems being faced by people in cities due to poor lifestyle and high stress levels. A person is considered to be obese when the person has excessive accumulation of fat on his/her body, so much so, that the well-being of the person is affected negatively!
Incase one is obese; one needs to go through proper treatmentof obesity. Obesity is no less than a disease. More so, it triggers many other diseases like HT, Diabetes, CAD etc. There are physical, social and emotional side effects of obesity that have to be taken care of in time to facilitate a healthy lifestyle for the patient.
Although there are many factors resulting in obesity, the simplest definition of obesity would be imbalance in the amount of energy taken and energy spent. Therefore, the treatment of obesity would focus upon lowering the energy intake and increasing the amount of energy spent.
There are different kinds of treatments that are followed in order to treat obesity. First and foremost, dietary restrictions and exercise regimes are advised to the patients of obesity. Certain drugs causing loss of appetite are also prescribed as per the patient’s condition. Surgical corrective for treating and managing obesity is called bariatric surgery. BariatricSurgery in India has become one of the most multidisciplinary approaches to treat obesity.
If you or your loved one is fighting obesity, then trust none other than Max Institute of Minimal Access, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery. Max Institute of Minimal Access, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery employs state-of-the-art equipment and technology to provide the best cure and Bariatric Surgery in India to the patients suffering from obesity.
BMI & Obesity Management
Being overweight is not necessarily same as being obese. There has to be a level of weight, which when crossed becomes harmful for the person concerned. BMI- Body Mass Index needs to be determined in order to know if one is obese.
BMI can be calculated by dividing the person’s weight (in Kgs) with the height (in metres). A person is considered to be suffering from morbid obesity if his BMI is 32.5 Kg/m2 and above while he is considered to be obese if his BMI is 27.5-32.5 Kg/m2. Incase a person’s weight is less than 18 Kg/m2, the person is considered to be underweight. BMI ranging between 18 to 22.9 Kg/m2 is normal while a person with 23-27.5 Kg/m2 is considered to be overweight.
Incase a person’s BMI is upto 32.5 or above, medical management and surpervision to cure obesity is recommended. Bariatric and Metabolic surgery is a recommended surgical corrective for Asians who have a BMI greater than 37.5 kg/m2.
Bariatric Surgery is a multidisciplinary approach and is a key to manage obesity. Bariatric Surgery is now evolved and totally refined since past 5 decades and offers treatment against life threatening complications and severe problems resulting from obesity. The two categories of obesity surgery are gastric banding (surgery of restriction) and intestinal bypass (surgery of mal-absorption).
Max Institute of Minimal Access, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery is the right place for you to undergo successful minimally invasive surgery for treatment of obesity. Max offers absolute healthcare and rehabilitation facilities. Come to Max to avail successful treatment for obesity.