Bariatric Surgery- A Relief for Overweight People

There are a lot of people who are suffering from the problem of obesity across the world. These patients suffer from a lot of health related issues like emotional trauma, Diabetes and other cardiac illnesses. Now with the introduction of bariatric surgery, there have been a lot of positive health related changes in the lives of obese people. These surgeries aim at reducing the level of food intake, by reducing the size of the stomach and intestines. After this surgery, the amount of food that is consumed and digested is reduced, as it changes the composition of the digestive system.
Bariatric surgery is an excellent and safe method for those people who cannot follow a weight loss program or an exercise. Those people who are fat and who have a BMI of 30- 40 are suffering from some serious medical issues. Therefore, they need to consult a doctor and get this surgery done. In this surgery, the stomach size is reduced and the absorption of nutrients also decreases. This surgery offers great health benefits to those people who are suffering from Diabetes and it also helps in prevention of cancer.
There are some common forms of Bariatric Surgeries like Gastric Sleeve, Lap Band Surgery and Bariatric Bypass Surgery. The surgeon who gets this operation done will decide the nature of the operation that is required in each case. After this procedure you would feel devoid of any form of energy but soon your body would adapt to normal conditions. You can resume your daily activities after a period of six weeks.
After the surgery, the diet of the patient also needs to undergo a change, as the gastro intestinal tract takes 1-3 days to recover. During the recovery period, the patient should only consume a liquid diet. The diet includes clear broth, diluted fruit juices or gelatin desserts without sugar. Then for the next fourteen days, the patient needs to consume a diet of wheat, protein drinks, cream soup or mashed potatoes with gravy. To compensate the reduced food intake, the patient is given all the essential nutrients and vitamins to regain the strength of the body.
The cost of this surgery ranges from $18, 000 to $ 35,000 and after the surgery, the cost for the diet plan are additionally charged. A patient can cover the cost of the surgery under a health insurance plan. So, consult a surgeon at Max healthcare and get all the required advice on this surgery, to lead a healthy life!

'Breastfeeding' a Special Phase of Life after Pregnancy

Breastfeeding is known to be a special phase in the life of every woman after pregnancy. It is an important time for the well-being and development of you as well as your baby. You need to follow a proper diet, at this time to keep yourself healthy&fit.But before going in for any diet you need to consult your Lactation Consultant or a Health Care Professional.If any incorrect diet or lifestyle pattern is followed, then there are chances that it may affect you and your baby’s health adversely. There are some do's and don't’s that need to be kept in mind about a proper breast feeding diet:
. Focus on the vitamin intake. This can only be achieved when you have a balanced diet.Include fruits and vegetables in your diet as they are the best source of vitamins. Make it a habit to include five portions of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
. If you are lactating during winters, then sitting in the sun is a great idea, as it is considered to be a great source of vitamin D. But during summers it is not possible for you to sit in the sun for long, so you should make it a point to include Vitamin D in your diet.Consume ample amount of Fish, Margarine and dairy products .
. Minerals are also important during the breastfeeding time and it is important for the mother to get her minerals in the form of Selenium, Zinc and Calcium.
. Calcium should also be included in your diet and for that you can have milk and milk related products. Other good sources of Calcium are Tahini, Spinach, Almonds, White Bread, Tofu, dried Figs, Calcium supplemented Soya Milk and Sardines.
. Include Zinc and fish like Mackerel, Prawns and other food products like Hard Cheese, Lentils, Whole Meal Bread, Cashew Nuts, Baked Potatoes, Sardines and Red Meat for a heathy diet.
. Say no to Alcohol! Consuming Alcohol during this period can pollute your milk. The quantity of Alcohol presence would be quiet low in your milk but it would still be very harmful for your child. Remember your baby needs milk and not alcohol.
. Reduce the intake of Tea and Coffee to one or two cups a day. Try and restrict it completely during this period, for a better heath.
.Intake of Saccharin sweeteners is very common during this period, but you need to understand that it can have long and harmful side effects. Substitute it with Sucralose or Splenda as it is safer and calorie free.
.Try to avoid processed foods as it contains harmful additives.
. Restrict the consumption of Peanuts as it can offer allergens to your breast milk.
.Get proper information from reliable sources and do not completely rely on hearsay. Consult Max Healthcare and get appropriate help to finalize your breastfeeding plan.

Change our Smile with Dental Veneers

Are your front teeth oddly shaped, uneven, discolored or just too wide? If they are then they can be treated easily using veneers. Veneers are wafer thin shells that are made up of porcelain. They are made in dental labs and they are attached to your teeth by using a special kind of adhesive.
Cosmetic dental surgeons use porcelain veneers to change the color and the contours of the teeth. They are quiet flexible and they can be used in a number of cases like repairing a chipped tooth to a complete smile enhancement. When you get a smile enhancement procedure done then it can cover a lot of other defects as well like straightening the crooked teeth, restoring broken teeth, filling the gaps between the teeth, and treating the stained and discolored teeth.
To correct your smile, the dentist would use equipment like an intra-oral camera and digital imaging. With the help of digital imaging technique your face can be changed digitally with different styles of teeth reshaping methods and you need to just choose the method that suits you the best.
When you have selected the method to get your teeth reshaped, the dentist would start his preparations by taking a thin slice of the teeth, half a millimeter, just the thickness of the porcelain veneer without causing much pain. Next the dentist would take the imprints of your teeth and send the impressions to the dental lab. Porcelain veneer would take a week or more to get prepared so till that time your teeth would be given a replacement by temporary veneer made up of resin.
When the veneers get ready the doctor would check for its fit, shape and color. The surface of your tooth would be cleaned and polished and the surface of the enamel would be fixed. With the help of a special adhesive the veneer would be fixed strongly in your tooth.
Veneers are a great way to offer your teeth a new shape without any teeth removal process or gum surgery. The porcelain that is used is quiet hard, stain resistant and the gum tissues adjust quiet well in their presence. It also matches with the color of the teeth and it can be used for discolored teeth as well. They provide an excellent look to your teeth and they are quiet long lasting too. Consult a dentist at Max Healthcare and get all the details about this dental treatment.

ENT Ailments can be solved with Proper Medication

Ear, nose and throat are the three organs that constitute the discipline of ENT. These three organs are inter-connected to each other so a problem in any one of them would cause disturbance in the other two organs as well. This is where there is a requirement for an ENT specialist who is aware of the treatments required for the ENT disorders and the related infections.
The various symptoms for these ailments are-
Sinusitis- This is the most common form of illness and it is caused due to congestion in the nasal passages. It is accompanied by various other problems like headaches, sneezing, post-nasal drip and runny nose. This is a quiet unpleasant situation but it can be solved easily with right medication, if there are no other underlying issues.
Swimmer’s Ear- The ear lobe gets jerked and the patient experiences a huge amount of pain. The patient may feel acute pain even while chewing and it also causes lymph nodes. With proper medication this problem can be solved.
Inner Ear Infection- The patient may feel an increased amount of pressure in the ear along with some amount of pain. This is caused due to fungal infection in the inner canal and immediate attention and care is required.
Ear Infection- This causes some amount of pain and loss of senses too. There may be some problem in the hearing and some fluid discharge would also take place. This infection can be treated with counter medication and if even after the medication there are no signs of improvement in a day or two then the patient need to consult a doctor.
Strep Throat- The symptoms known for this illness are fever, fatigue, difficulty in swallowing, sore throat and inflamed lymph nodes. The patient would need medication and would also be required to see a doctor and get antibiotic or a throat analgesic.
Tonsillitis- In this illness, the patient gets a sore throat, fever, chills and difficulty in swallowing. Medical care is required and if the problem is recurrent then surgery is vital.
The main causes of these problems are environmental, viral, bacterial and fungal. Infection can be caused if the person does not keep the ear canal clean and dry. The patient needs to consult an ENT specialist in Max Healthcare and get the required medication in case of any related illness.

Lung Cancer and its Effects

Lung cancer is a terminal disease and it is usually caused due to smoking. When you are diagnosed with this disease then it can prove to be a shattering experience for you and your family. Smoking is the major cause for lung cancer so the best way to avoid it is to quit smoking as soon as possible. But there are times when even quitting the butt does not solve the problem. Some people get this disease due to second hand smoke. But now smoking has been banned in public places in a lot of states so it reduces the chances of breathing in second hand smoke. Those people who have quit smoking or who do not smoke can as a precaution, limit the time spent with those people who smoke regularly.
Lung cancer is a disease that affects the small cells of the lungs and, other surrounding regions which includes the lymph nodes, and the surrounding organs. The treatment options include chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but they are not so popular among the patients. There are some other methods that include hypnosis or “alternative” medication. It is important that before going for any treatment do all the necessary research and consult a doctor.
One should realize that when a person starts coughing blood then its time for him to visit a doctor. The doctor would do all the necessary tests to reveal if there is any presence of tumors. So it is important to recognize all the symptoms, before it is too late.
The general effects of this disease are that it is caused due to the chemical substances, where the proteins are released by the tumor cells. They are then carried throughout the body by the blood stream. The tumor cells that are present in the body produce some hormones that affect the calcification of the bones and can have severe side effects. It makes the movement of the body quiet painful and rough. It also affects the adrenaline glands which lead to high blood pressure. These hormones also affect the functioning of the kidneys and make the process of urine excretion quiet difficult. Visit Max Healthcare and consult a Cancer Specialist and get all the required knowledge about Lung Cancer.

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