Stay healthy mothers!

A new mother needs to really intake a healthy meal as it helps in breastfeeding the baby. During the period of breast feeding, inorder to maintain optimum milk supply for the child, the mother needs to have a nutritious diet. Milk supply has to be optimum so as to ensure that the baby is healthy, therefore, nutrition for the mother becomes doubly important- for the mother’s own health as well as for the baby’s health.
What are the ways in which a lactating mother can stay healthy?
First and foremost, the mother needs to take in small 5-6 meals a day and should never miss any of meals. Intaking small meals through the day would make sure that there is no indigestion or problem of hyperacidity. Secondly, certain beverages like coffee, tea and cold drinks need to be avoided. Caffeine, when passed into the breast milk is not a very healthy option as these can induce problems diarrhea or colic in a child. Fried and fatty food has to be avoided. Food items loaded with desi ghee are considered to be healthy, however, it must be noted that these do not provide much nutrition, rather, just make you fat and are hard to digest.
A lot of Vitamin C through citrus fruits, juices and fresh lime needs to be intaken as Vitamin C helps in iron absorption in one’s body. Eat a lot legumes, eggs, milk, cereals, green vegetables, fruits, yoghurt and cheese. Eating healthy stuff and eating regularly will greatly help in optimizing the milk supply! Along with food, the person should drink lots of fluid like milk, water and juices. Drinking fluids help the mother replenish the amount lost fluid amount that goes into producing milk. Also, there are certain herbs that really help in rebuilding strength and bringing back the mother to normal life after delivery! Stinging nettle helps in recovering the lost blood during birth, turmeric helps in preventing breast inflammation, oat-straw provides nurture and nourishment to the nerves and helps in providing nervous exhaustion. The herbs do provide assistance in the supply of the milk as well.
Max Institute of Nutrition and Dietetics would help understand the need for nutrition according to individuals in a better way. Every individual has her own dietary needs during the time of delivery and later on, therefore, it is necessary that every individual gets proper advise and suggestions regarding her special needs. Take care and stay healthy!

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