Importance of nutrition

Food supplies us with some chemicals that our body requires us to intake in order to undergo organic procedures like growth, maintenance and repair properly. These chemical substances are called as nutrients. Nutrients are extremely important and are required by our body not just once but all the time, with every meal. Insufficient intake of nutrients may cause slower growth rate and create deficiencies of nutrients in our body resulting in various disorders and mal-nourishment.

Nutrients are divided into- carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins, vitamins and water. All the six nutrients are important for a person and have to be taken in sufficient amounts to facilitate proper functioning of the body. These nutrients aid a person to undergo various phases of life like childhood, adulthood, pregnancy and motherhood in women etc. The nutrients act as a source of heat and energy for our bodies which support growth of new tissues all the time, throughout our lives. Good nutrition facilitates physical growth, composition and mental development.

You can avail diet therapy at Max’s Department of Nutrition & Dietetics. Diet therapy is a modification of a person’s diet as per the person’s all over health and proves to be a therapeutic process. The nutrients are picked and balanced to maintain health for the patients.

It is important to know your dietary needs in all walks of life. Come to Max’s Department of Nutrition & Dietetics to know and understand your bodily energy requirements for body’s smooth functioning. Do not worry if you are pre-disposed towards any chronic disease and avail specialized treatment for yourself at Max.

Come to Max and gift yourself a healthy diet and all over lifestyle modification with the diet therapy!

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