'Breastfeeding' a Special Phase of Life after Pregnancy

Breastfeeding is known to be a special phase in the life of every woman after pregnancy. It is an important time for the well-being and development of you as well as your baby. You need to follow a proper diet, at this time to keep yourself healthy&fit.But before going in for any diet you need to consult your Lactation Consultant or a Health Care Professional.If any incorrect diet or lifestyle pattern is followed, then there are chances that it may affect you and your baby’s health adversely. There are some do's and don't’s that need to be kept in mind about a proper breast feeding diet:
. Focus on the vitamin intake. This can only be achieved when you have a balanced diet.Include fruits and vegetables in your diet as they are the best source of vitamins. Make it a habit to include five portions of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
. If you are lactating during winters, then sitting in the sun is a great idea, as it is considered to be a great source of vitamin D. But during summers it is not possible for you to sit in the sun for long, so you should make it a point to include Vitamin D in your diet.Consume ample amount of Fish, Margarine and dairy products .
. Minerals are also important during the breastfeeding time and it is important for the mother to get her minerals in the form of Selenium, Zinc and Calcium.
. Calcium should also be included in your diet and for that you can have milk and milk related products. Other good sources of Calcium are Tahini, Spinach, Almonds, White Bread, Tofu, dried Figs, Calcium supplemented Soya Milk and Sardines.
. Include Zinc and fish like Mackerel, Prawns and other food products like Hard Cheese, Lentils, Whole Meal Bread, Cashew Nuts, Baked Potatoes, Sardines and Red Meat for a heathy diet.
. Say no to Alcohol! Consuming Alcohol during this period can pollute your milk. The quantity of Alcohol presence would be quiet low in your milk but it would still be very harmful for your child. Remember your baby needs milk and not alcohol.
. Reduce the intake of Tea and Coffee to one or two cups a day. Try and restrict it completely during this period, for a better heath.
.Intake of Saccharin sweeteners is very common during this period, but you need to understand that it can have long and harmful side effects. Substitute it with Sucralose or Splenda as it is safer and calorie free.
.Try to avoid processed foods as it contains harmful additives.
. Restrict the consumption of Peanuts as it can offer allergens to your breast milk.
.Get proper information from reliable sources and do not completely rely on hearsay. Consult Max Healthcare and get appropriate help to finalize your breastfeeding plan.

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