Bariatric Surgery- A Relief for Overweight People

There are a lot of people who are suffering from the problem of obesity across the world. These patients suffer from a lot of health related issues like emotional trauma, Diabetes and other cardiac illnesses. Now with the introduction of bariatric surgery, there have been a lot of positive health related changes in the lives of obese people. These surgeries aim at reducing the level of food intake, by reducing the size of the stomach and intestines. After this surgery, the amount of food that is consumed and digested is reduced, as it changes the composition of the digestive system.
Bariatric surgery is an excellent and safe method for those people who cannot follow a weight loss program or an exercise. Those people who are fat and who have a BMI of 30- 40 are suffering from some serious medical issues. Therefore, they need to consult a doctor and get this surgery done. In this surgery, the stomach size is reduced and the absorption of nutrients also decreases. This surgery offers great health benefits to those people who are suffering from Diabetes and it also helps in prevention of cancer.
There are some common forms of Bariatric Surgeries like Gastric Sleeve, Lap Band Surgery and Bariatric Bypass Surgery. The surgeon who gets this operation done will decide the nature of the operation that is required in each case. After this procedure you would feel devoid of any form of energy but soon your body would adapt to normal conditions. You can resume your daily activities after a period of six weeks.
After the surgery, the diet of the patient also needs to undergo a change, as the gastro intestinal tract takes 1-3 days to recover. During the recovery period, the patient should only consume a liquid diet. The diet includes clear broth, diluted fruit juices or gelatin desserts without sugar. Then for the next fourteen days, the patient needs to consume a diet of wheat, protein drinks, cream soup or mashed potatoes with gravy. To compensate the reduced food intake, the patient is given all the essential nutrients and vitamins to regain the strength of the body.
The cost of this surgery ranges from $18, 000 to $ 35,000 and after the surgery, the cost for the diet plan are additionally charged. A patient can cover the cost of the surgery under a health insurance plan. So, consult a surgeon at Max healthcare and get all the required advice on this surgery, to lead a healthy life!

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