Low Vision Rehabilitation Programme

People spend a very long time caring for their skin and outer appearances but they completely neglect their eyes. Eyes are a very important part of our body and should never be taken for granted as it is indeed a pleasure and privilege to be able to watch TV, to take a walk by self and see the world around!
Just like the whole body, eyes also need care against aging and need special attention as one gets older. Also, exposure to ultra-violet rays, smoking, obesity, diabetes, side effects from steroids, malnutrition are some of the major factors resulting in poor vision.
Emotional stress, solitude, depression are the by-products of vision impairment that further affects daily lives of the patients. Regular check ups help greatly as one is aware of what steps one needs to take to have healthy eyes.
Ignorance is never bliss when your vision and eyes are in question. Max Healthcare understands it and therefore has the best eye surgeons, latest and highly sophisticated medical equipment and other facilities which make Max Healthcare Group a preferable choice for eye care.
Each patient under Low Vision Rehabilitation Programme, at Max Eyecare receives an in-depth evaluation and is offered solutions and cure. Microscopic lenses, special magnifiers, closed circuit television, computer systems and telescopes are some of the aids provided at Max Eyecare to help patients perform specific tests at a range of distances. Other non-optical aids available include large-print reading materials, writing guides, household helpers and games. Specialized and personalized training and counseling is provided to the patients. The patients are helped to improve the quality of their lives which is Max Healthcare Low Vision Rehabilitation Programme’s deepest interest and only focus.

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