A Few Facts About Hernia That You Were Not Aware Of

Hernia, whether by birth or acquired, occurs in the weaker areas of the body through a weak area or a natural orifice through which it does not pass ordinarily. Hernia’s can be extremely painful to mildly painful depending on the individual, and a swelling or a bulge can be noticed on the patient’s body when they either strain or stand.
The common causes of Hernia includes straining while defecating as in chronic constipation, excessive coughing, indulging in over strenuous exercises, Smoking caused by coughing and deficiency of collagen tissue which causes weakness of abdominal wall.
As already mentioned, hernia causes pain and discomfort & can cause dangerous complication such as intestinal obstruction, strangulation (hampering of blood supply) and gangrene (tissue death) which are life threatening conditions. It never gets cured itself.
In order to heal hernia, a surgery may or may not be required. Hernia operation is essentially done in cases in order to replace the protruded organ back to the abdominal cavity, or repair the weak area of abdominal wall through which protrusion occurs.
The hernia operation can be performed by either of the two following techniques:

1.       Open Tension-free Hernia Repair: A prosthesis such as polypropylene mesh is introduced from outside to cover the defect. Open operation may be done under local anesthesia.

2.       Laparoscopic Hernia Repair: A prosthesis such as polypropylene mesh is use to cover the defect through abdominal cavity. Laparoscopic hernia repair is under general anesthesia. Nowadays local anesthesia used is long acting, so the effect lasts for 4 to 6 hours. The patient walks out of operation theatre and is soon discharged.

Usually hernia is a reducible bulge and goes back to the abdomen on lying or on manipulation. Hernia can lead to the following complications:

·         Irreducibility - Hernia cannot be pushed back into the abdomen.
Obstruction - Intestine in hernia is blocked.
Incarceration - Hernia is painful and not reducible.
Strangulation - Pain, vomiting and inability to pass flatus and stool develops. Blood supply of the intestine is cut off. The intestine loop dies. It is dangerous and life threatening condition.

So do not risk your life because of this disease and get yourself treated as soon as you can. 

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