Facilities at Max Institute of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery

Max Institute of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery offers correctives for all the problems related to appearance and aesthetics. With the state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technologies Max Institute of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery offers various surgical correctives pertaining to improvement in vision, reshaping of the nose, reduction of the breast size, tummy tucking, eyelid lifting etc. Some of the facilities offered at Max Institute of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery include-

Arm Lift and Body Lift- Arm Lift involves a surgical procedure to get the upper arm in shape by reducing the loose skin and the fat deposits on it. Body Lift involves performing of surgical procedure to shape the torso, upper legs, the belly, hip area, back, thighs, buttocks etc. Body lift may take multiple surgeries

Liposuction- The procedure is aimed at sculpting with the help of removal of the fat from all the localized areas on the body. The techniques used to perform the surgery are Ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL), Power-assisted lipoplasty (PAL), Superwet and tumescent techniques etc.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)- The procedure involves flattening of abdomen area by removing the excess of fat and skin to facilitate abdominal muscle tightening

Buttock/Thigh Lift- Surgical procedure to reshape buttock/thigh areas by removing excess of skin by reducing and redistributing the fat

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)- The procedure involves surgically raising and reshaping sagging breasts

Reduction mammoplasty- It is about removing fat, the glandular tissue and skin to make breasts smaller and firmer

Augmentation mammoplasty- Procedure involves insertion of saline or silicone implant to enlarge the breast size. The procedure enhances shape of the breast and improves symmetry between the two breasts

Hair Restoration Surgery- It is a surgical procedure involving removal of hair from the donor site and finally transplanting them to a balding and thinning area onto the scalp

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a condition which occurs due to abnormal and out of control cell growth which finally invade the surrounding tissues as well. Formation of mass of tissue is known as tumour. However, not all the tumours are cancerous. Cancer cells spread to different parts of the body through different channels like blood and lymph systems. Cancer is not a contagious disease.

Benign tumours are not cancerous. They are removable and largely, the do not really recur. Cells in the benign tumours do not over spread to other body parts.

Malignant tumours are cancerous. The cells in the malignant tumours are abnormal and they multiply without much control or order.

Scientists have discovered that cancer happens due to variations in genes controlling the growth and replacement of cells. Some of the factors that result in genetic changes are tobacco use, diet, UV Radiation exposure, inherited gene alternations etc. Some of the other factors causing cancer include viruses like Human papilloma virus, Hepatitis B, C, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

Cancer can be prevented by taking care of the following-

  • Avoiding using tobacco products

  • Eating less fat and more of vegetables, fruits etc

  • Exercising very regularly

  • Avoiding UV Rays

  • Intaking some beneficial drugs to prevent cancer

  • Getting tests done to detect precancerous conditions

  • Getting cancer vaccines to prevent oneself from cervical cancer

Max Healthcare has a dedicated Max Cancer Center that works to provide holistic care to the patients with state-of-the-art equipment and techniques. Max cares.

Max’s Sports Psychology Program

Sports psychology concerns itself with the attitude and preparation required by the athlete to be able to perform his best during a play. Stamina, speed, strength, skill and spirit are the five factors that sports psychology concerns itself with. For a sports person to play well, there needs to be a specialist who studies mental health as well as behavioural sciences and help the team understand the team to handle the pressure on field in a positive way.

Max has a specialized Sports Psychology Program that includes team building sessions, vision guidance, mentoring, individual counseling, life management workshops. Some of the factors that are studied and provided help against to improve sports persons’ performance-

  • Motivation- The main element that causes a person to act and react is called motivation. Psychiatrist helps the players to maintain proper motivation.

  • Concentration- The psychiatrist aims at helping the players by offering them behavioural techniques to enhance concentration.

  • Handling pressure- stress handling techniques are offered to the players to help them perform better on field with high confidence and commitment.

  • Confidence and self-esteem- Regular counseling is provided to the players to help them deal with situations realistically with good idea of their self esteem and heightened confidence level.

  • Interpersonal relations and 'team spirit'- A psychiatrist works at resolving internal conflict and infuses a collective sense of responsibility.

  • Personal factors- Psychiatrist helps the players deal with their difficult times as individuals.

  • Imagery- Mental visualizations and other senses like sounds and smells are used to improve performance of the player.

Max’s Organizational Psychology Initiative

Work place is a very important part in a person’s well being and the well-being of a person also affects the environment of the work place. It is the interface between whole of organization and the individual as a single unit that makes for a wholesome structure of organization at the work place.

Since, there has been a tremendous rise in stress related issues lately, Max Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences has come up with Max Organizational Psychology Initiative to help facilitate optimum productivity of organizations and relieve stress in individuals.

The Organizational Psychology Initiative along with the team experts in Mental Health and Behaviourial Sciences is a sincere and challenging effort from us. Since, India is a country with a very high rate of industrial development and with rapidly changing lifestyles of workers; the overall well being of the individual becomes important.

Organizational Psychology deals with development of strategies that help build better organizations. The mental health team at Max helps the organizations with the staffing and workforce development. Improved workforce development improved workforce climate which positively improves an organizations’ performance.

Max Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences prides itself in developing Organizational Psychology Initiative. The Organizational Psychology initiative includes short talks on topics related to individual well-being like stress, coping skills, life transition, problem solving, group relationships, psychological skill set of a leader, work-identity, psychology of emotional quotient, cognitive restructuring etc. The program also includes workshops that involve mentoring/coaching, counseling, group harmony, stress, work life balance, work identity etc.

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