Endoscopic Surgery for Morbid Obesity; it’s Time You Defeat the Disease

Before we get into the surgery thing, let’s first read a bit of information on Morbid Obesity; here it is:  
What is morbid obesity?

It is a disease, which is chronic and lifelong; causative factor of Morbid Obesity is due to excessive fat storage


BMI or Body Mass Index is a measure of calculating a person’s excess weight. You can calculate your BMI with the help of the following formula:

BMI = Weight (in Kilograms) divided by Height (in m.) x Height (in m.)

The BMI of a person who is:

Average Built
21 – 25
18 – 22.5
Over Weight
25 – 30
22.5 – 27.5
30 – 40
27.5 – 37.5
Morbidly Obese
> 40
> 37.5

From the above table, it is clearly evident that morbid obesity is different from being overweight/ obese. Being overweight and obese are reversible conditions that can be treated by medical management whereas morbid obesity requires surgical intervention. A bariatric surgery is a treatment option for patients with morbid obesity. There are several surgical options available including Gastric Bypass, Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Banding, etc. Each surgery has its own set of benefits and risks.

Now that surgeries are done in a laparoscopic manner, no big cuts are made on the body; the outcomes are truly encouraging. Max Healthcare’s Institute of Minimal Access, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery is obviously the best choice for weight loss surgeries. The Institute is headed by Dr. Pradeep Chowbey; he had featured in the Limca Book of Records in consecutive editions from 2000 - 2009, for having performed the largest series of laparoscopic biliary surgery (over 50000). The Institute is equipped with state-of-the-art operation theatres, quality equipment and high-end video conferencing systems, that contribute in affirming our best-in-class industry practices.

You’re in safe hands when you’re in Max Healthcare. Want to know more, click here http://www.maxhealthcare.in/services_facilities/our_departments/mas_mbs/index.html

Cardiac Surgery succeeds in maintaining a Good Heart Condition

As the level of stress is increasing so even the heart ailments are also increasing and have over the years become quite common. The average age of people who are affected with heart disease is coming down with more and younger people being affected with this disease. There are some people who are born with this unfortunate disease as they have defective heart since birth and over the past decade heart disease has become quite common.
It is very important to include diet and exercise so as to maintain healthy bodies as people are affected with high levels of stress and it plays a great part in contributing to the heart ailments. As when the levels of stress increase blood pressure too shoots up and it puts a lot of pressure on the heart that has to pump the blood. So it is very important to control the blood pressure to maintain good health. When the cholesterol levels are lowered in the food then it helps in maintaining good health and heart condition.
If you think you are in a position where it is important to get a heart or a cardiac surgery then it is important for you to find the best cardiac surgeons and hospitals as your entire life would depend on your surgery. The surgery and the post care treatment would prove to be quiet expensive and before the surgery one must think about all the possible alternatives. You can easily find the best cardiac hospitals in a place nearby you.
But if you have tried all the other alternatives and everything has proved futile then you need to check for the best cardiac hospitals and get in touch with the cardiac surgeons. As it is only the best hospitals that will provide you the best services at affordable rates. There are experienced surgeons who conduct the cardiac surgery with great care and precision and analyze your situation with great detail.
Cardiac surgery is conducted with great care and it is done in affordable rates and the infrastructure in those hospitals is also quiet efficient and hassle free. You can also travel within the country to get maximum comfort. The surgeons and the medical staff are highly trained and experienced in this profession. The recovery period of these surgeons is also less and you can spend the recovery time in the hospital with friendly and courteous staff. Visit Maxhealthcare and get the best facilities at affordable rates.

Knee Surgery for the Elderly

Anyone can be in the need of a knee surgery but quiet often it is performed on those people who are older as compared to the younger people. There are a lot of reasons as to why a person undergoes knee surgery like sport injuries, arthritis and pain in the cartilage and eventual wearing out of the bones.
People can prevent this surgery at times as earlier other alternative methods should be explored. Sometimes one can get relief from knee pain by losing weight, medication, surgery or physical therapy. They can solve the knee problems and in some cases this has worked too. But in other cases it may not work then knee replacement would be the only option left.
If you are a healthy person then there are less chances of any kind of risks and the recovery would also be done sooner as compared to other people. Those people who have been diagnosed with high levels of blood pressure can undergo the replacement surgery till the time their illness is under control. Knee replacement is a surgery that can be done partially or as a total knee replacement. At the time of surgery the joints that were damaged would be replaced with plastic or other forms of metal components that are shaped in such a manner so as to allow better mobility of the knee. This operation would be conducted over a period of two hours. The duration of the surgery would vary from person to person and the minimally invasive procedures require a shorter amount of incisions and less scarring too. This process is quite technical and can be performed only by highly skilled surgeons.
The recovery period after this surgery is usually three to five days where the patient stays in the hospital after the surgery. During the stay the rehabilitation program would start immediately after the surgery. A physical therapist would be available who would work on the mobility of the patient, while there would be an occupational therapist too who would plan out with the patient on the daily activities like dressing of the patient and washing etc.
The recovery rate would vary from person to person and it won’t be the same. There are certain factors that are required for speedy recovery like strength, body weight and pain tolerance of an individual patient makes all the difference. Family needs to take extra care of the patient after the surgery by assisting them on meals and getting the person dressed.

Remove your Eye Glasses with Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik eye surgery is considered to be the most common form of eye surgery that is performed all over the world. You would certainly not like to have the burden of glasses and if you get irritated with contact lenses then you need to opt for Lasik Eye surgery. A lot of people have got back their normal eyesight after this surgery and they can see clearly too.
Experienced eye surgeons recommend this kind of surgery only because of the number of benefits they provide. This surgery has become quite affordable and a lot of people are opting for this kind of surgery to treat their eyes. Laser eye surgery is a means to correct the refractive fault of the eye. The faults are caused due to a reduced amount of focus in the eye and it also causes a lot of eye ailments like Glaucoma or Cataracts.
This surgery has become a lifesaving method for those people who require vision rectification. A lot of people have benefited from this kind of surgery. LASIK stands for laser in situ keratomileusis. It means to use a laser underneath a corneal flap (in situ) to reform the cornea. It uses an extremely specialized form of laser (excimer laser) that is intended to treat the refractive faults, progresses vision and reduced the need for glasses or contact lenses. It modifies the shape of the corneas as it is the transparent front covering of the eye.
A qualified eye surgeon is required to perform this surgery and it makes a perfect thin hinged corneal flap by the means of microkeratome. The surgeon is then required to draw back the flap to expose the underlying corneal tissue and then the excimer laser ablates reshapes the cornea in a specific outline for the patient. Next the flap is relocated softly into the original cornea without any kind of sutures.
The glasses or the contact lenses are used to correct the refractive fault of the eyes by using the light rays in such a way that it matches the error of the eyes. Lasik and other forms of refractive eye surgery reduce the requirement for any other kind of optical help.
Lasik eye surgery is not suitable for everyone and one needs to have a complete eye examination and one need to ask some questions so as to know the requirements to get this surgery done. Visit Maxhealthcare and get this surgery done to correct the vision of your eyes.

How Hip Replacement Surgery Changes your Life

When you have to get the hip replacement surgery done then it is important for you to know some things. You need to be aware as to what you should expect from the surgery and what you should not. The body type of every person is quite different from each other so it is necessary to take care of the surgery. It is possible that you would become quite mobile after the surgery and experience a less amount of pain. But what else are the effects of a hip replacement surgery?
The main thing that is wandering in the minds of people is that they want to regain their ability for free movement and they need to move without pain. But the fact is that there is no way that you can be totally free of pain, but yes you can experience a reduced amount of pain.
Before the hip replacement surgery your doctor would be required to go through your medical history. This will ensure that there won’t be any procedure that would be done that would affect you in a negative way. There would be X-rays, cardiograms, blood and urine tests that would be conducted. The skin around the area should be treated carefully that undergoes the hip replacement.
You need to make sure that your doctor is aware of your skin conditions before and after the surgery. Declare any previous allergic history you had as once you undergo the surgery there would be a lot of medications that you would have to stop. You would be required to provide the hospital with some amount of blood as they have the sample of your blood before the surgery. This is done as if something untoward happens before the surgery then the blood can be utilized in an efficient manner.
There are chances that before the surgery you would be told to lose some amount of weight if you are overweight. This would happen because the hip problems would have been caused because of the fact that you were overweight as then even after the surgery it won’t prove to be quiet beneficial.
After the surgery your mobility would be reduced considerably and you would have to take bed rest for some time. Don’t expect to get back to the normal shape just after the surgery. You need to take good care of yourself after the surgery as you surely won’t want to face any other circumstances. Visit Max healthcare and get the hip replacement surgery done.

Pediatric Cardiac Surgery corrects the Defects of the Heart

Heart is known to be a vital organ of the body and if it does not function in an appropriate manner then it would face a lot of problems that would affect the organ system of the body. It is not possible to live without a heart and when the heart is not functioning in an appropriate manner then it would not offer the same quality of life as a normal heart would provide. That is the reason why the pediatric cardiac surgery is performed on a regular basis on patients. It is important to correct the heart defects and the abnormalities that are related to life of the adults as well as the children.
Heart is considered to be a complex mechanical pump and like all the mechanical things it would suffer different kinds of problems. The defect would lead to several clogs and the heart would slow down and even underperform. This is the reason why researchers, doctors and even scientists have spent so much time on how the heart works in an efficient manner.
This heart disease has been the leading cause of death and to reduce the death toll the doctors perform some detailed examinations on new born children and due to this early detection of the heart defects one can identify the risk factors or the existing heart defects that would develop into some other problems later.
It would depend upon the severity of the heart defect and the affect it would have on the operation of the heart and the physician involved would detect a heart murmur which would be an abnormality in the way of the heart beats.
One needs to change one’s lifestyle to reduce the effects of the heart disease. While there are some families that have this genetic familiarity with the heart defects and it is directed to their children at the time of fetal development. With the passage of time there can be a reduction in the level of heart diseases and less reliance to heart defects. One can use corrective medications and procedures like pediatric cardiac surgery for better health. Visit Max healthcare and consult the doctors to improve your health condition.

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