6 Goals to Reach before You Undergo Gastric Bypass Surgery (Max Healthcare)

Gastric Bypass Surgery is very effective in inducing weight loss. It is both restrictive and mal-absorptive. It is restrictive in the sense that it restricts how much food the stomach can hold, and is mal-absorptive as it affects how much nutrients body absorbs. Surgery can be done laparoscopically (key-hole surgery) or through a larger open incision. Your doctor will decide which one is the best for you. However, more and more surgeons are using minimally invasive surgery these days. Remember, you’ll have to make some drastic changes to your lifestyle post procedure, and it’s better if you start inculcating some habits before surgery. So, here are 6 goals/habits that’ll help you make the most out of the Gastric Bypass Surgery.

1.Start Maintaining a Daily Food Record
Keep a watch on what goes inside, and write them down. This will give you an idea of how much calories you usually consume in a day.

2.Whole Grains, Vegetables, and Fruits
It’s time you start it! Include more and more of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits in your daily diet. Cut back on fast foods and other spicy foods.

3.It’s Time to Wean off of Sweets, Sodas, and Desserts
It’s not like you’ve to stop eating them; it’s like you’ve got to control how much you eat. Post-surgery, you’ll have to be very careful of eating sweets, sodas, desserts, and all sweetened beverages.

4.Protein is Your Best Friend
Introduce protein in your daily diet. Start eating protein rich foods at each meal. Also remember that high protein foods are the most important so have them before you consume any other food group (especially after the surgery).

5.Go Slow
Don’t drink liquids in one go; instead learn to sip them very slowly. Do this with your meals as well, which should ideally last for some 20 to 30 minutes. It’ll take you some days, but soon you’ll do it without any effort on your part.

6.Control Intake of Caffeinated and Carbonated Beverages
In order to get the most out of the gastric bypass surgery, you’ll have to learn to wean off of caffeinated and carbonated beverages; keep a watch on your consumption of alcoholic beverages as well.

Remember, surgery alone can’t do much for you; you’ll have to make the magic happen. Even after surgery, you’ll have to go for follow up sessions with your doctor and nutritionist so nothing comes in between you and your dream for a great body.

Click Gastric Bypass Surgery by Max Healthcare Chain of Hospitals, for more info.

4 Secrets of Losing Weight QUICKLY

WEIGHT LOSS isn’t only for women; men are also looking for effective ways to lose weight. Go to any medical store, and you’ll see hundreds of products there – powder, pills, etc. - with muscular men and skinny women; all these products claim weight loss in 1 month, 2 month or at the most, 3 months. Many of us, having frustrated with continuously increasing weight, fall in the trap, and buy the pills or powders. Days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months, but nothing happens, no weight loss. In fact, many end up with side-effects of the ‘so called weight loss product’. So, first things first, don’t fall for these products. WEIGHT LOSS is very much possible even in this modern society which seems to revolve around fast foods, hours of sittings in-front-of the computers, and at no exercises at all. Here are 6 SECRETS OF LOSING WEIGHT QUICKLY!

1.Eat More of Water-filled Foods
Eat more of water filled foods, such as Watermelons, Cucumbers, Watermelons, and Vegetable Soups. Consumption of these foods make you feel fuller on fewer calories.

2.Lunch Away from the Computer
It sounds strange, but it’s true. When it’s lunch time in your office, make sure you don’t lunch in-front-of your computer screen updating your status on Facebook, or playing the game that your colleague told you about an hour before. When you eat lunch undistracted, you’ve your attention on your food, and you feel fuller soon. Well, this is not the case when you lunch amidst distractions.

3.Use Power of Imagination to Eat Less
Well, you need not to take the path of spirituality for losing weight. All you’ve to do is imagine eating before you grab on your favourite dishes and desserts. So, what this imagination does to your weight loss plan? Well, it safeguards you against mindless eating. When you hold yourself for a minute, imagine eating the dessert lying before you, you somehow prepare yourself for the food, and eat sensibly.

4.Multivitamin Magic
When you’re low on vitamins and minerals, chances are your appetite will increase to replenish the nutrients the body is missing. Taking a multivitamin daily may keep the level of appetitive under control.

Last, but not the least, a dietician can help you a lot in your quest for a slim and trim body. So, fix an appointment with a qualified dietician in your city, and commit yourself for healthy lifestyle choices.

When Life Gets Interrupted, by Cancer

Nobody can understand the pain a person goes through when he is told (the first time, and every time afterwards) that he’s been diagnosed with cancer. It feels like you’ve lost it all; all hopes, all plans, all joys, die in that one moment!
Of course, we’ve the best of treatments for all types of cancers, and if the disease is detected at an early stage, cancer is curable. But, it’s the family and friends whose support is needed the most while the patient goes through the treatments, which usually include chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. A great hospital, with best of the Oncologists and support staff, can make a world of difference. So, look for the best one in the city, which has all the infrastructure and technology needed to provide the best cancer treatment.
Cancer isn’t something that we would ever wish for anybody, but for many cancer patients, the disease has changed their lives completely. Cancer made them rethink their priorities, and do what they’ve always dreamt to do. Hundreds of survivors got down to blogging, connecting and sharing their experiences with others. Cancer didn’t deter them to live their lives completely, and happily; in fact, the disease came as a waking call for them. So, yes, there is a life after Cancer!
Cancer can of many types – Blood Cancer, Brain Cancer, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, etc. – and, they all have treatments. So, don’t worry, everything will be fine! There are hundreds of blogs out there started by Cancer Survivors where they share about the best cancer treatment they had, diet they’re taking, and exercises they’re doing. So, there is a lot that can be learnt from these blogs. Then, there are Cancer Support Groups, where you meet people who’ve had chemotherapy, radiation, surgeries; join these support groups so you can meet people who’ve had everything, and now they’re leading a wonderful life.
Last, but not the least, if it is about cancer, look for the best cancer treatment. Max Healthcare Chain of Hospitals is one of the leading healthcare destinations in India for cancer cure. At Max Cancer Centre, our doctors and support staff are committed to recuperating cancer patients as soon as possible. Leading Oncologists provide the most advanced cancer treatments using cutting edge technology, based on International Standards. Click on Max Cancer Centre for more information.

How to Avoid Child Obesity: Max Healthcare

As we are familiar with the popular adage, “prevention is better than cure”, and it is most effectual to start as soon as possible. Adequate energy ingestion is vital for a child, as it is crucial for their growth, but if this consumption is not used in a proper manner, it will be deposited in the child’s body as body fat.

I have generated this information, to look at means to avoid child obesity. The health menaces connected with obesity, comprise of heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol. All of these might lead to untimely death!

Visit Max Healthcare, and it will provide you all the relevant information about diet and nutrition of your child.

It is vital to know that several factors can lead to child obesity; they comprise inadequate money to purchase healthy food, inadequate cooking expertise
  • Laziness - Dearth of exercise and physical activity
  • Consuming sweet drinks and juices instead of water
  • Intake of refined sugar and foods that comprise of refined sugars
  • Consuming junk food
Exercise Avoids Child Obesity

Means to Develop Child Health to Avoid Child Obesity
Exercises are one of the best means to avoid child obesity. Just half an hour a day exercise is adequate enough to avoid obesity. There are several methods for a child to exercise, and enjoy while exercising, strolling to school occasionally with friends, playing a sport at school etc.
While you are at home, you can play with your kid a childish game like, to see who can first climb the stairs for ten times. Running or walking up and down the staircases, will make the child yearn for more water. Always boost them to drink unadulterated water as clean water helps with food ingestion.

Help your child to enhance their Digestion
Proper digestion is important to break down the matter to create energy. It is also the parent's duty to help the child to enhance their metabolism for better digestion.
It is a process where the body, with the help of enzymes disrupts down the food. It is a term used to denote principally, the breakdown of food materials, and its successive conversion into energy the person's body requires.
More precisely, it might be defined as the extent of energy that the body throws to preserve itself, that is to stimulate development, muscle renewal and so forth.
Means by which you can help your child to enhance their digestion, to avoid obesity are as follows:
  • Boost them to drink sufficient water instead of sweetened drinks
  • Provide them healthy refreshments in between mealtimes, for example fruits instead of a packet of chips
  • Provide them protein, as the body throws more calories by processing the protein.
As a parent, feel responsible for your child’s weight!

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