Are You A Couch Potato?

Your sedentary lifestyle is your biggest enemy today. It doesn’t matter if you hit the gym for those 30 minutes but spend the rest of your day gorging on junk food and lazing around. Your day to day activities have a lasting effect on your health. Not just that, inactivity for hours, multiplied by days and months, could leave you with dire consequences.
Technology enabled us to do things with just a push of a button, but complete dependency could harm you in more ways than one. Wondering how? You might take the lift or escalator instead of the staircase; you’d rather browse the internet and chat with your friends virtually instead of going out and meeting them in person; you prefer playing video games instead of playing cricket in the field; you always order food for delivery or takeaway instead of cooking. You get the drift, don’t you?
Believe it or not, studies have shown that sedentary lifestyles equal to low life expectancy. You’re at a higher risk of becoming obese, with an increase in blood pressure levels. And what follows are a series of ailments.
While most of the jobs these days require you to sit and work for hours at a stretch, it’s best to get up from your seat after an hour and take a walk across the office. Or you could simply write two out of five emails while standing. Try doing these for three to four days, and by the fifth day you’ll find it difficult to just sit and work.
When at home, make sure you dance to a few of your favourite tunes while your clothes are being washed in the washing machine. Or buy a stationary bike (it will be a one-time investment for fruitful results concerning your fitness) and pedal it while watching TV.
Fuse in these activities in your daily routine and do away with the lazy bone in your body. Club that with healthy eating habits and reclaim your life. Be fit to live a long life, a life which allows you to do more with every passing day. So get up, and get active!
And while you get going with a much more active life, remember to eat healthy for sustained stamina. Hence, for more on nutrition and healthy living, get in touch with the specialists and experts at Max Healthcare

You Need To Sleep, Now

Sleep is the most commonly ignored aspect of working professionals in today’s day and age. And why shouldn’t it be? Important assignments, chasing deadlines, late night meetings, tight schedule, hectic work, meeting difficult targets and the list can go on and on. While we chase success and power mercilessly, we often put ‘sleeping’ on the back burner.
Sleeping is a way of renewing yourself daily. Re-energizing and replenishing your body and mind by this process of resting called sleeping is too vital a requirement. And if you don’t do what your body needs, then watch your body break down.
Before it’s too late, get into the habit of completing at least 6-7 hours of your ‘sleep’ time. You’ll be surprised at how healthy and happy you’ll feel when you wake up the morning after a night of good and sound sleep. And no, cat naps or short naps cannot be a substitute for sleep. But if you’re one of those who find trouble getting themselves to doze off, you could probably be suffering from insomnia. Derived from the Latin word, in meaning not and somnus meaning sleep, insomnia literally means ‘not sleeping’.
Although, some of the ways that you can get yourself to sleep, are: • Listening to ‘relaxation’ music. Chinese Bamboo Flute music is one good option, but you could really listen to anything that has a calming effect on you. • Read a book. • Avoid drinking coffee before sleeping. You could drink a cup of warm milk instead. • Avoid intake of caffeinated products and junk food altogether for dinner. Eat something light and healthy for a sound sleep.
Follow these and improve on your sleep hygiene. After all, sleeping well has a plethora of health benefits attached to it. For instance, a good night’s sleep will: • Help you improve your memory. • Reduce the risk of heart attacks and diabetes. • Help reduce weight. • Help you build stamina. • Make you live longer. • Curb premature aging. • Help deal with depression better.
With so many positives of sleeping well, why would you not want to sleep? Grab a soft pillow, switch off the lights, put on some relaxing music and try to clear your mind of any and every thought. Put yourself to sleep tonight and embrace a new and healthy you, starting tomorrow morning.
However, in cases of serious and chronic insomnia, it’s best to visit a Doctor. If prolonged sleeplessness occurs, acknowledge the problem and seek help at Max Healthcare, today.
Visit our website, Max Healthcare for more info.

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