Gastric bypass surgery induces weight loss!

Weight Loss! The most common fad or rather an obsession for the people of today. Not just the magazines, television ads, newspapers, or the internet repeatedly talks about weight loss in some form or the other. Even our family members, friends, and for that matter people on the streets too are getting fanatic about this term. This seems to be the ultimate birthday and New Year’s resolution for majority of people irrespective of their gender and age. While we talk, think, and act weight loss, seldom do we realize that it is a medical problem too and requires expert attention for treatment.

Liposuction, therapies, exercise, diet control, and even surgeries in some cases are considered ways of treatment and cure. In this blog today, we are discussing Gastric Bypass surgery that is equally effective in inducing weight loss.

Gastric Bypass surgery is a procedure which is both restrictive and malabsorptive. In this procedure, stapling creates a small stomach pouch (15-20 ml which forms the restrictive element. The outlet from this newly formed pouch empties directly into the lower portion of the small intestine, thus bypassing a certain length of the intestine. This forms the malabsorptive element as no absorption occurs in the segment of intestine bypassed.

 This surgery is considered not just effective in inducing weight loss, but is an equally preferred option for curing other problems too. It has other major advantages like significant improvement and even cure of diseases like diabetes mellitus, hypertension and metabolic syndrome.

Gastric Bypass surgery for weight loss is an expert recommended option only. If the doctor or the specialist suggests a patient to go through this, he/she would do it after thorough research and acquiring a complete understanding of the case in question.

If one has been advised to go through this procedure, the best place for a Gastric Bypass surgery in India is the Max Healthcare hospitals.

Max Institute of Minimal Access, Metabolic and Bariatric surgery is one such name that has gained acclaim worldwide due to its state-of-the-art facilities and expert assistance programmes. To find out more about gastri Bypass Surgery in India visit .

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