You must know about cancer

Let us talk about some of the risk factors and symptoms corresponding to various kinds of cancers-

  • Stomach cancer is caused due to helicobacter pylori and bacterium infection. Some of the dietary issues, smoking and alcohol abuse also result in stomach cancer. A person suffering from stomach cancer may encounter blood in stool, abdominal pain and discomfort. Persistent nausea vomiting, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, abdominal bloating bowel changes, weakness and fatigue are some of the other symptoms that stomach cancer may result to.

  • Cervical cancer is caused due to human papiloma virus HPV infection and is a sexually transmitted disease. Abnormal vaginal bleeding, ununsual or heavy vaginal discharge, pelvic pain and pain during urination are some of the problems that a patient suffering from cervical cancer may encounter.

  • Oral cancer is found in men and women over 40. People who abuse tobacco and alchohol are at a high risk of catching oral cancer. Persistent viral infection should also be given medical attention as it can result into an oral cancer. Sores or blisters in mouth that do not heal, lesions on tongue or tonsil, white and red patches in mouth or lips that do not heal, bleeding from mouth, swelling or pain from jaw, persistent ear ache, difficulty swallowing, chewing, speaking, moving tongue are some of the major symptoms behind oral cancer.

  • Liver cancer spreads with the Hepatitis B and C infection and excessive alchohol abuse. Fever, fatigue, jaundice, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain or discomfort on the right side, unintentional weight loss are some of the major symptoms behind liver cancer.

Max Cancer Center believes that information and knowledge about cancer is the first step towards cure and health. Stay informed, stay healthy! 

Different types of cancers

Cancer refers to abnormal growth of abnormal cells. There are several different types of cancers. Let us discuss risk groups and symptoms of each one.

Breast Cancer- Breast Cancer usually occurs in women who are undergoing menopause. Women between the age of 50-69 years are also at a risk of catching breast cancer. Incase one has a family history of breast cancer patients, it is important to get frequent check ups done as one may run a risk of catching breast cancer too.

Symptoms of breast cancer include- nipple discharge, retracted nipples, pain in nipples, swelling in arm pits, lump in breasts, breast tenderness, breast pain and discomfort etc.

Prostate Cancer- Prostate Cancer is found in men who are above 40 years of age and have a family history of prostate cancer.

Weight loss, pelvic pain, back pain, hip pain, inability to urinate, weak urine stream, burning or pain during urination, frequent urination during the night, blood in urine are some of the symptoms of prostate cancer.

Lung Cancer- Lung Cancer can happen to anyone who smokes tobacco. Recurrent inflammation of lung and exposure to carcinogens makes one prone to lung cancer.

Major symptoms behind lung cancer are recurrent pneumonia, bronchitis, breathlessness, wheezing, persistent blood in cough, hoarse voice, loss of appetite etc.

Max Cancer Center offers state-of-the-art facilities and expert treatment. Max Cancer Center is a complete cancer care and offers all the facilities right from cancer screening and early detection to multi-disciplinary treatment and even future rehabilitation. Trust Max Cancer Center.

Symptoms of cancer

There are many types of cancers. However, there are some symptoms that seemingly look harmless but in fact need to be taken care of properly and should not be ignored. Fatigue, pain, weight loss, bleeding, change in bowel habits, recurrent fever, cough, enlarged lymph nodes are some of the symptoms of cancers that need to be taken care of and paid adequate attention.

Loosing weight without any concrete reason is one of the most basic symptoms of cancer. Do not ignore incase you have a sudden decrease in your diet and sudden loss of body weight.

Also, be extremely cautious of frequent fatigue, feeling of nausea, anaemia etc. The above mentioned conditions need to be given medical attention immediately and not taken lightly at all.

Cancer as such is not painful as it begins, however, as cancer starts spreading nerves and other organs start getting affected, which may cause pain. Therefore, do not ignore frequent pain in any area of part of your body.

A person suffering from cancer may encounter bleeding. It is not always that the bleeding may be detectable but incase you have bleeding in your stools or urine; you must visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Change in bowel habits, diarrhea, blood in stools, thinner stools etc. are some of the causes for concern and symptoms of colon cancer. Beware of these symptoms and seek medical help as soon as you encounter these problems.

Also, do not ignore blood in cough and recurrent fever and visit a doctor soon. Enlarged lymph nodes also have to be cured of as they are symptoms of cancer. Rubbery to touch and pain in lymphs are an indication of presence of cancer.

Visit Max Cancer Centre for detailed information and proper guidance to help you be fit and healthy and prevent cancer.

Things you must know about cancer

Cancer is an over growth of abnormal cells in one’s body. There are many kinds of cancers that can grow in a human body. Some of the cancers are those of breast, prostrate, lung, cervical, ovary, throat, skin etc. Different kinds of cancers have different symptoms. It is extremely important to have a regular health check up in order to get proper medication on time.

Be cautious of frequent fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite and loss of weight etc. Though these problems may be common and not be specific to any cancer, but it is most definitely true that frequent fatigue, nausea, loss of weight and loss of appetite etc. require medical investigation and proper tests to be done.

Be wary if you suddenly start loosing weight for no reason. Weight loss without any reason may be a symptom of cancer. Do not be unattentive towards sudden loss of appetite, feeling of vomiting and nausea. Consult a doctor incase you are experiencing any kind of difficulty in swallowing.

Fatigue is another common condition that may stem from cancer as well. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and seek medical attention incase you are experiencing fatigue often. Anaemia, tiredness and breathlessness are some of the reasons that cause fatigue in a person. Cancer, also causes fatigue in people as it grows, therefore, it is important to pay immediate attention if you feel fatigued more than often.

Come to Max Healthcare and avail state-of-the-art facilities and world class treatment for your problems. Max Cancer Centre will provide with proper diagnosis followed by effective treatment of your condition. Do not worry, just come to Max. 

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