Symptoms of cancer

There are many types of cancers. However, there are some symptoms that seemingly look harmless but in fact need to be taken care of properly and should not be ignored. Fatigue, pain, weight loss, bleeding, change in bowel habits, recurrent fever, cough, enlarged lymph nodes are some of the symptoms of cancers that need to be taken care of and paid adequate attention.

Loosing weight without any concrete reason is one of the most basic symptoms of cancer. Do not ignore incase you have a sudden decrease in your diet and sudden loss of body weight.

Also, be extremely cautious of frequent fatigue, feeling of nausea, anaemia etc. The above mentioned conditions need to be given medical attention immediately and not taken lightly at all.

Cancer as such is not painful as it begins, however, as cancer starts spreading nerves and other organs start getting affected, which may cause pain. Therefore, do not ignore frequent pain in any area of part of your body.

A person suffering from cancer may encounter bleeding. It is not always that the bleeding may be detectable but incase you have bleeding in your stools or urine; you must visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Change in bowel habits, diarrhea, blood in stools, thinner stools etc. are some of the causes for concern and symptoms of colon cancer. Beware of these symptoms and seek medical help as soon as you encounter these problems.

Also, do not ignore blood in cough and recurrent fever and visit a doctor soon. Enlarged lymph nodes also have to be cured of as they are symptoms of cancer. Rubbery to touch and pain in lymphs are an indication of presence of cancer.

Visit Max Cancer Centre for detailed information and proper guidance to help you be fit and healthy and prevent cancer.

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