What is Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure carried out to correct the septum of the nose. The procedure is carried out to treat the deformities and defects in the shape of the septum. The deformities in septum are present either from birth or develop later on as a consequence of an injury. Not always do the septum deformities and deviations show significant symptoms, however incase of severe deviations the septum is corrected with the help of surgical intervention.

The major reason behind septoplasty include obstruction of nasal airway, septal spur headache, uncontrollable bleeding of the nose and deformities of the nasal septum etc. Incase of obstruction of the nasal airway, the patient usually breathes with the help of the mouth and suffers from sleep apnea. The patient also is susceptible to recurring nasal infections. Incase of septal spur headache, a person suffers from a headache due to the pressure stemming from the septal impaction. The septal impaction can be done away with, by placing a numbing anesthesia on the area. Also, sometimes septoplasty has to be carried out incase the septum of a person is damaged by abuse of cocaine and other drugs.

Septoplasty is a very delicate procedure that requires expert surgeons and comprehensive treatments. Max’s Department of ENT has a distinguished and renowned team of doctors to ensure successful septoplasty and other surgeries. The Department of ENT at Max provides an all over treatment and care to for all the delicate ear, nose and throat problems. Trust the team of doctors at Max with their excellent skills when it comes to your ENT!

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