Clubfoot facts

Clubfoot, also known as Congenital Talipes Equino Varus is a foot deformity that children are born with. Clubfoot is treated by treating the deformed foot with plaster casts over a few weeks.

The clubfoot treatment includes initial consecutive plaster casts as the first stage. Second stage of the treatment involves a twenty three hour bracing/full time bracing for the first three months. Third stage of the treatment involves maintenance of the correction with the help of night and nap time bracing upto 3-4 years of age.

After six to eight plasters, it is observed that the affected foot turns to 90 degree to the leg itself. The child would need a regular clinical review throughout the time period the treatment is being done. However, as the child reaches the night and nap time brace wearing stage, the review is carried out once every three to six months. Tendon transfer at the age of three to four years may be required if there is any kind of residual deformity.

There are a few other treatment modalities for curing a clubfoot. Along with serial plaster casts, surgical removal of tissues, use of external fixator, corrective surgery are some of the options for treating a clubfoot.

Do not worry if your child has a clubfoot. Max Institute of Paediatrics offers the finest possible medical services. Max believes that children are special and thus offers compassionate healthcare for your child. The expert surgeons and state-of-the-art medical facilities ensure health for your child. You can rely on Max to get a speedy recovery for your child.

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