What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivitydisorder (ADHD) is a very common mental problem found among children these days. The disorder is seven times more common among boys than girl children. Boys show hyperactivity while girls suffering from ADHD may find it difficult to pay attention.

ADHD may begin early in pre-school years and may go on into adulthood. One third of children suffering from ADHD disorder find it difficult to be able to read. Half of children and teenagers suffering from the disorder have behavioural issues like breaking rules, talking back and also hitting fellow children.

The symptoms like hyperactivity related to the disorder usually become apparent by the age of two or three. The three of the main symptoms associated with the disorder are distracted, implusive and hyperactive behaviour.

Children with ADHD are continuously distracted from whatever is goes around them. They may also find it difficult to wait in queues and finish projects they take upon. The children with ADHD are also quick to react in situation, have a short temper, are extremely fidgety, get bored very easily and often show hyperactivity while others are calmly seated.

The three forms of ADHD are combined ADHD, predominately inattentive ADHD, and predominately impulsive ADHD. A child with combined ADHD is usually distracted, is impulsive as well as extremely hyperactive. In case of predominately inattentive ADHD, the child lacks focus and attention; while in predominately impulsive ADHD, the child has poor self control and is usually very hyperactive.

Stay informed, stay wary and come to Max Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences. Max will help you understand your child’s special needs better. Understanding your child’s condition is extremely important these days to help yourself know how to take care of your child in the long run. Come to Max!

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