Recognize the Serious and Unbearable Pain in the Prostrates

Can you imagine one out of thirty six men due to the pain ion the prostrate. It ranks second in the after the lung cancer and it has become one of the leading causes of death. People usually ignore this pain and they do not recognize this pain. It usually goes unnoticed and once it spreads it can seriously damage the bones and the lymph nodes.
You need to identify the reasons of prostate cancer-
Check regularly-
 Men usually go to the doctor only when the pain arises or when it gets very serious and unbearable. This would require regular amount of checkups and an early diagnosis would treat all the possible illnesses attached to it and cure the person totally. Men who have reached their 50’s should get their prostrate checkup done.
Know your Family History
You need to check with your family history and there are chances of your developing the prostate cancer if one of your relatives has suffered. There are chances of your having this cancer if your father or your brother has suffered from this disease.
Talk to your Doctor
Talk to your doctor if you think you are suffering from this disease and for that you need to take proper medications. Your doctor will do your check up and will prescribe you your medicines and your treatment. He will suggest you the possible treatment for it and would suggest you to follow a healthy lifestyle.
Some of the common symptoms for this disease are-
1.You would need to urinate during nighttime
2.Facing a hard time is starting or stopping the urine flow
3.Even after urinating still not satisfied
4.Difficulty in urinating
5.Urine flow becomes weak, decreased or interrupted
6.A burning sensation during urinating
Stop Deciding for yourself
Avoiding the doctor at times is good but when symptoms start showing then visit the doctor. There have been people who have delayed their visit to the doctor and have suffered the worst fate. You should not even try to self-prescribe to others just because you have the same symptoms as of the other person.
Don’t Delay your Visit
If you are facing one or the other symptoms that are constant and consistent then set up an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible.
Talk to Someone Close
Talk to someone who is close to you, your spouse, relative or someone who has suffered the same ordeal. They can be your pillar of support at this crucial time. But still you should get yourself checked.
Max healthcare is your solution to treat the pain of prostrates.

Take Care of your Eyes for a Clear Vision

Eyes are the most sensitive part of our body and it needs great care. We need to take great care of our eyes for all our lives. But we often only take care of our eyes only when we realize their importance. Usually when we encounter problems like unclear vision, grittiness, red eyes and pain we must consult a doctor. So an eye specialist can prevent problems that arise due to improper eye care regime.
But you don’t need to think that an eye care can only be done when there is some problem. Such problems can be handled by an eye care specialist and he needs to be consulted as soon as possible. Eye care regime means following a rigorous routine and to protect one’s eyes from any harm. When we move out in the sun we must ensure that we wear sunglasses to protect our eyes while moving out in the sun.
Those people whose job is to work under highly hazardous areas need to stay away from welding zones and wear protective equipment like safety goggles to keep their eyes safe and sound. People who are involved in sports should also keep their eyes safe from any kind of disease.
Computers are harming the eyes to a great deal and are causing a lot of stress in the eyes. So one need to ensure that one does not sit in front of the computer for a long time and take regular breaks. Keep your monitor at least two feet away from your eyes, so that your eyes are not harmed in the bargain. Use anti-glare glasses so that the glare from the computer does not affect your eyes. If you have dry eyes use lubricating eye drops on a regular basis.
Ensure that you have a healthy diet that is quiet rich in all the essential nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. you can find a lot of nutrients in fruits and vegetables and consider taking vegetables like broccoli and carrots for a better vision.
If some damage is caused in the eyes then it would become really difficult to treat it so it is always advisable to treat the vision as soon as possible. Get your eyes tested by the doctor so that your eyes do not face any problem. There are many people who face a lot of unwanted diseases in their eyes due to improper care. Visit Max Healthcare and gift your eyes a healthy life.

Transform your Face and Boost your Self Confidence

Your face is the reflection of the personality. If you think that your nose is hindering your confidence then you can boost your self-confidence with nose reshaping. The nose is considered to be the most prominent feature on your face. If you feel that you are not satisfied with the shape or size of the face then it may hinder your social life and career too. There are so many children in school who keep a low profile just because of their noses and they are called with different names.
Nose reshaping surgery has become the most common type of surgery that has become the latest fad. You can alter the shape of your nose as and when you want. You can correct the shape of the nose, bumps and the crooked shapes that are caused due to various injuries or accidents. People across the world get the nose job done due to cosmetic reasons and there are people who get this surgery done due to medical reasons to improve their breathing.
The cosmetic surgeons perform this surgery in two techniques by an open and a closed technique. In the open technique some incisions are made outside of the nose and in the closed procedure some surgical cuts are performed inside the nose. The bone structure varies from person to person so the natural bone and cartilage structure may limit the changes according to shape of the nose.
Your surgeon will give you all the required instructions. After the surgery for some time you wont be able to eat or drink. You can expect your session of swelling and it will take some time for you to look fine after the nose job. You ill go through the recovery period an it will include your rounds of swelling, bleeding and bruising your nose and face too. Get up as soon as possible after the surgery. Walking will promote better blood circulation throughout your body. It would also help to reduce the swelling around your facial area. The swelling around the eyes can be reduced by applying cold compresses several times in a day.
Book a consultation at Max healthcare where this simple procedure would be carried out under the guidance of the expert surgeons. As that would let you know what all improvements needs to be done on your nose. You need to take some pictures of your nose and you need to give the surgeon a fair idea as to how you visualize your nose in the future.

It's Time for Woman Regain their Self-Esteem

Breast reduction surgery is a sure shot way to regain your self esteem. It is specially done by those woman who have a large breast size and would want to reduce the size of their breast. Where a woman has a breast size that is disproportionate to the size of her body. There are also cases where the breast feels too much pulling from the neck and the back muscles.
Due to large breast size it can interfere with the ability of a woman to be active in certain sports too. It also causes loss in self esteem and be self conscious in public and often becoming victim of eve teasing. If any of these reasons are there then you would want to get a breast reduction surgery. While the breast reduction surgery is conducted on the excess of the fat, tissue and the skin that is removed from the breasts. After this surgery it leaves the woman's body in a proportioned scale. Before getting a breast reduction surgery it is important to meet a plastic surgeon and discuss all the problems and the risks that are associated with the size of the breast. The patient should have realistic expectations so that the surgeon can too fulfill those expectations.
This surgical procedure is especially done for those women who experience poor posture, chronic back, neck and shoulder pain due to enlarged breasts. Performing this surgery would help them to improve the quality of their life while reducing medical problems caused due to this. Certain women go through this surgery after pregnancy. As during pregnancy and breastfeeding the breast undergoes certain changes. It is advisable to wait till the period of child bearing has passed and then conduct this surgery.
You need to be prepared to take care of your breasts after the surgery. Your breasts would be dressed with gauze, when the surgery would be completed. Drainage tubes will also be affixed so as to facilitate the proper removal of the post surgical fluids, usually blood. As it would collect in your breasts after the surgery. An elastic tenser would be bandaged or a special bra would be provided for extra care and support. You need to understand that you wont require to keep the gauze or the drainage tubes attached for more than a week. But you will continue to need the surgical bra for weeks or months after the surgery.
Visit Max Healthcare and seek advice with the expert surgeons who will guide you with the further proceedings of the surgery.

Save yourself from the Deadly Stroke!

Stroke usually strikes the elderly people who are suffering from high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Excessive smoking and alcohol also increases the risk of strokes. Diets that are high in cholesterol, contributes to the build-up of blockages in the arteries. Lack of exercise (in your daily life) can cause hypertension and low blood circulation leading to stroke. Patients suffering from irregular pulse rate are also at a high risk of stroke.
Brain Bleeds!
There are two types of stroke, hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. The first type occurs, when the blood vessel inside the brain gets ruptured and causes bleeding. This happens due to a head injury. It can also cause the blood vessels to grow thin, resulting in a bulge. It develops slowly over the years and eventually grows so weak that it breaks, causing bleeding. Hemorrhagic strokes are less common compared to the ischemic strokes; they most likely result in death.
Arteries Blocked
Ischemic stroke is the second type of stroke. It occurs when the artery in the brain becomes blocked. It may be caused due to the thickening of the blood, resulting in a blood clot. Other reasons, when the arteries get weakened, narrowed or hardened, stroke is the immediate response of the body. High cholesterol forms plaques that stick on the walls of the artery. It makes the artery thinner, affecting the brain.
Hurting the Brain
If the brain does not receive any blood, the cells would eventually get damaged. To compensate the loss, the body would try to enlarge the nearby blood vessels, and try to restore the blood flow to the affected areas. If the blood flow gets blocked for even more than four minutes, brain cells begin to die. Brain is not capable enough to restore the dead brain cells, again. It may thereby cause paralysis, blurred or lost vision, communication problems, and face drooping to one side. Even if treated quickly the patient may suffer from a long term disability.
Emergency Treatment
The treatment may depend on the type of the stroke. Doctors may try to stop any further bleeding, in the brain or try to restore the blood flow to the brain, by removing the blockage. In severe cases, doctors may try to perform surgery, to relieve the pressure inside the skull.
Medication can be recommended to control fever, nausea, confusion, agitation, blood sugar and blood pressure (high). Aspirin, blood pressure and statin drugs may be advised as preventive medication (user discretion advised).
Complete recovery in the patients does not always occur and many patients may require palliative care. Rehabilitation for stroke patients may include occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy and counseling.
So, save yourself from the deadly stroke, and live happily!

Recurrent Miscarriages- It Can Happen to Any Woman!

Motherhood is the most treasured gift for any married woman. There are lots of hopes and wishes, attached with this state and this term. This experience simply changes a woman’s life, and she is transformed into a mother. You and your family might have started all the preparations, and you would have started your shopping too! You and your husband are excited to share your future with your child.

Then in a flip of a second, your world turns upside down. All your hopes and expectations come crashing down. The loving eyes of your family are changed to scornful and blaming eyes! You have miscarried. To deal with this situation while answering all the questions is not easy. It is emotionally and physically draining.

But the world does not end here! You have to get up and start afresh. But, this time you need to seek some information in this matter. And you will realize that you are not the only one. There are lots and lots of women who have miscarried, twice or may be thrice. But, let this be your last time, gain some information on this matter, and rectify what went wrong the first time.

When women have two or three (or more) miscarriages in a row, it is called recurrent miscarriages. The cause of recurrent miscarriages is not widely known. Let’s probe further and discover why this happens?

Causes of recurrent miscarriages

Genetic/Chromosomal Defects: 70% of miscarriages occur due to chromosomal defects. It is widely common in those women, who are over the age of thirty five. These defects in most cases, are a random occurrence, and do not re-occur in subsequent pregnancies.

Age- After the age of thirty five the risk of miscarriages escalates. After forty, more than 33% undergoes miscarriages. The rate of miscarriage prior to the age of thirty five is about 10-20%.

Uterine Abnormalities- Some women are born with abnormalities in the uterine; double uterus or an abnormally shaped uterus. This may result in problems like improper implantation, irregular blood supply to the uterus, less room for the baby to develop and grow.

Ineffectual Cervix- A Cervix that is not competent enough would cause trimester miscarriages or premature labor. Weakened cervix may require a surgical procedure, called cerclage (a surgical stitch around the cervix, preventing it from dilating prematurely).

There are other hormonal causes like luteal phase defect, polycystic ovarian syndrome, other hormonal conditions, auto-immune disorders, infection, male factor and some other unknown causes.

Enjoy your motherhood by rectifying the abnormalities at Max healthcare center and live a happier life with your new born!
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