Bariatric Surgery: It’s Time to Get Back in Shape, and Lead a Healthy, Happy Life

You shouldn’t consider surgery unless you’ve tried the conservative treatments for obesity. Only when everything else fails, you should talk to your doctor for the surgical treatment so you can get back in shape, and avoid getting hit by diseases, like Diabetes and Heart Attacks. Obesity can make you target of numerous diseases, so you better commit yourself for a healthy lifestyle, and the best treatment.

Who’s an ideal candidate for Weight Loss or Bariatric Surgery?

A person is an ideal candidate for the surgery:
  • Who’s obese
  • Who’s tried everything else but surgery to get rid of the fat of his/her body
  • Who’s healthy enough to undergo the surgery
Gastric Band, Gastric Bypass, and Gastric Sleeve are the popular weight loss surgeries, which are done with minimally invasive technology. With minimally invasive or laparoscopic procedure, surgeons don’t have to resort to large cuts on the body to access the stomach; in fact, 3 or 4 small incisions are made on the abdomen area so as to operate on the stomach. Once the surgery is completed, instruments are safely taken out of the body. Patients usually experience faster recover and lesser pain when they get operated laparoscopically. Kudos to medical science, and advancements in healthcare technology!

After Surgery:

Life changes a lot after surgery. Over time, you notice a great change in your body; this increases your confidence in yourself. You feel healthier and happier than ever before. To put it simply, life gets better!
Changes take place in your eating habits as well. For example, you don’t eat as much as you used to eat before surgery; this is because of the change that’s been made to your stomach. In Gastric Band, surgeons place a band around the stomach so as to divide the stomach into two portions, with a little space between the two. In Gastric Sleeve, stomach is reduced to a sleeve like shape so that the patient consumes less.

Gastric Bypass is more effective, as surgeons also operate on the small intestine to allow less absorption of nutrients in the body. It’s the surgeon who decided which surgery is the best for the patient in question.

Bariatric surgery is popular the world over. They’re popular because of the immense benefits they provide. For more on bariatric surgery, and how we, at Max Healthcare, can help you lead a happier and healthier life, check out our Obesity procedures section.

What is Heart Failure? - Max Healthcare

First things first, a heart failure doesn’t mean that the heart has stopped pumping blood, or stopped working; it only means that the heart isn’t working properly. A person who’s had a heart failure can lead a happy and healthy life, if he/she takes care of his/her heart, and follows doctors’ advice.
A heart failure adversely affects the ability of the heart to relax properly (so that the blood can return to the relaxed heart called diastole) as well as its function to pump out the blood to the rest of the body (which is called systole).
Some of the terms that you may hear from your doctor:
Ejection Fraction (EF): EF refers to the measurement of the amount of blood that is pumped out of the left ventricle per heart-beat. In a normal situation, EF equals about 50 per cent or more.
Ventricular Remodeling: It refers to the changes to the left ventricular when a heart failure occurs. A heart failure causes the inside of the ventricular getting bigger; the walls get thicker, and the heart changes its shape.
Diastolic Heart Failure: Herein the ability of the heart to relax and accommodate enough blood in the relaxed heart called diastole gets affected.
Systolic Heart Failure: Heart doesn’t contract properly, and hence, the body doesn’t get enough oxygen-rich blood.
A Happy Heart Diet:
A happy heart diet is low in Sodium, Cholesterol, and Fat. Whole Grains, Fruits, and Veggies are your best buddies.

Daily Walk:
30-40 minutes of walk in the morning will do a world of good to you, to your heart.

Cardiac Rehabilitation:
It’s a comprehensive program by Max Healthcare, which consists of monitored exercise, health education, and support. It offers phenomenal benefits to those who’re recovering from a heart failure, or are experiencing it.

Want More Info on Your Heart, and How You Can Keep Your Heart Healthy Forever?
Max Healthcare has it all what it takes to take care of your heart with greatest care. We’ve the best of the doctors, support staff, and healthcare technology so you always live happy and healthy. Click on this link to go to our Max Heart and Vascular Institute’s page on our website.

Aging and Your Eyes -Max Healthcare

The best thing about growing old is you’ve a large reservoir of memories to look back at. You appreciate life more, understand people better, and may find yourself in situation where you can do what you always wanted to do, but couldn’t do because you’d a family to raise to; of course, the family is very much there, but the kids have now grown-up and you’ve no offices to go to. But, sometimes aging also brings something undesirable, or as undesirable as an eye problem or eye disease.

These days, when offices are all about sitting in-front-of computers/laptops for hours, eye-problems are at all-time high. However, many eye problems and diseases can be prevented and corrected if you:
  • See your family doctor to check for diseases that may lead to eye-problems, like Diabetes.
  • Visit an ophthalmologist for a complete eye-exam. Remember, most of the eye problems and diseases can be corrected if found in early stage. This eye specialist will dilate or enlarge your pupils (with some drops); this is a great way to detect several eye problems that have no early signs.
  • See an eye specialist at Max Eye Care immediately if you experience any sort of eye pain, blurred vision, loss of eye sight, etc.
Common Age-related Problems:

Presbyopia: It’s the loss of ability in a person to see close objects or small prints. More than often, reading glasses are the solution for Presbyopia.

Tearing: The problem is generally found in people who’re very sensitive to light, wind, and temperature changes. Protecting your eyes with a sunglass is a nice idea, but visiting an eye specialist is a better one.

Dry Eyes: The problem is in the tear glands. Dry eyes may cause discomfort; the doctor may suggest use of humidifier. In serious conditions, surgery may also be considered.

Floaters: Ever saw those tiny spots or specks floating across your field of vision? Well, those are floaters; they’re often normal, but they can also be indications of some eye problems, so the best way out is to see your eye doctor at the earliest.

There are various eye diseases and disorders which are seen in aging adults; Cataract, Glaucoma, Retinal Disorders, Corneal Diseases, Eyelid Problems, and Temporal Arteritis are amongst the major diseases and disorders. However, the point that you should keep in mind is, ‘Timely Treatment is Really Important, and Can Help Cure Many of Eye Problems and Diseases.’ So, make sure you visit eye specialists at Max Eye Care, at least once or twice in a year so as to ensure happy and healthy eyes for life.

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