What is Heart Failure? - Max Healthcare

First things first, a heart failure doesn’t mean that the heart has stopped pumping blood, or stopped working; it only means that the heart isn’t working properly. A person who’s had a heart failure can lead a happy and healthy life, if he/she takes care of his/her heart, and follows doctors’ advice.
A heart failure adversely affects the ability of the heart to relax properly (so that the blood can return to the relaxed heart called diastole) as well as its function to pump out the blood to the rest of the body (which is called systole).
Some of the terms that you may hear from your doctor:
Ejection Fraction (EF): EF refers to the measurement of the amount of blood that is pumped out of the left ventricle per heart-beat. In a normal situation, EF equals about 50 per cent or more.
Ventricular Remodeling: It refers to the changes to the left ventricular when a heart failure occurs. A heart failure causes the inside of the ventricular getting bigger; the walls get thicker, and the heart changes its shape.
Diastolic Heart Failure: Herein the ability of the heart to relax and accommodate enough blood in the relaxed heart called diastole gets affected.
Systolic Heart Failure: Heart doesn’t contract properly, and hence, the body doesn’t get enough oxygen-rich blood.
A Happy Heart Diet:
A happy heart diet is low in Sodium, Cholesterol, and Fat. Whole Grains, Fruits, and Veggies are your best buddies.

Daily Walk:
30-40 minutes of walk in the morning will do a world of good to you, to your heart.

Cardiac Rehabilitation:
It’s a comprehensive program by Max Healthcare, which consists of monitored exercise, health education, and support. It offers phenomenal benefits to those who’re recovering from a heart failure, or are experiencing it.

Want More Info on Your Heart, and How You Can Keep Your Heart Healthy Forever?
Max Healthcare has it all what it takes to take care of your heart with greatest care. We’ve the best of the doctors, support staff, and healthcare technology so you always live happy and healthy. Click on this link to go to our Max Heart and Vascular Institute’s page on our website.

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