Max Cosmetic correctives

Cosmetic correction is gaining popularity these days at an extremely fast pace. The main reason behind the popularity of cosmetic correctives is the fact that there is a lot of stress and significance laid onto looking good. First impressions pertaining to looks of a person are highly valued in every sphere of life right from job interviews to business meetings.
People with discoloured, misaligned and cracked teeth usually undergo resort to cosmetic dentistry. The restorative procedures include teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental crown, bridges, diastema Closure, porcelain Inlays or Onlays, dental bonding etc.
Teeth whitening process involves lightening of the teeth colour. The whiteness of the teeth varies in degree from one patient to another and is also dependant upon the bleaching processes that are chosen.
Porcelain Veneers or laminates are shells made of ceramic material which looks like tooth and is used to cover the worn tooth enamel, uneven, chipped, cracked and spaced tooth. The porcelain veneers are custom made and are skillfully made to correct gaps, stains, and cracks in teeth.

Dental crown (full porcelain, porcelain & metal fusion, all metal) are fitted onto the remaining part of the tooth, ensuring strength and good looks to the tooth again. They also help cover up the large dark fillings incase of decayed and damaged tooth.

Bridges hold false teeth upon them thereby filling the gaps caused due to missing teeth and are made of precious metal base bonded to visible areas to make them look natural and realistic.

Diastema Closure, porcelain Inlays or Onlays, Dental Bonding are some of the other cosmetic treatments that are used to enhance one’s appearance by correcting teeth problems. Make sure you are given the right kind of treatment, come to Max DentalCare and ensure a beautiful you!

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