Gift someone a vision
Ability to see is one of the greatest gifts from God to mankind. Eyes and ability to see things are priceless. Humankind is, therefore, obliged to take care of the nature’s gift- eyes. Each one of us should take care of our eyes and appreciate our ability to see as not everyone is blessed with the ability to see. Donate your eyes. Do good for those who are not as blessed as you, for those who can not see the world around!
Eyedonation involves donating a person’s eyes after his/her death with proper consent of the person’s family! People who are unable to see because of the corneal disease really benefit from this process of eye donation. Cornea, the clear tissue and the focusing element of eyes drastically reduces or hampers vision totally, incase it becomes cloudy. This condition of cornea and vision is called corneal disease.
There are many factors resulting in corneal disease like eye infections, injuries, mal-nutrition during childhood & hereditary diseases. Through surgery, a damaged cornea can be replaced by a healthy (donor) cornea and blindness of the patient can be cured. The cornea is the only part that is transplanted through surgery and the remaining eye is used to carry on research and further education.
Come to Max Healthcare and donate your eyes to help someone see the world around. Donating the eyes is a great way to do your bit towards the humanity. Gift someone a vision for life. Help someone to fulfill his/her dreams by pledging your eyes for donation at Max Eye Care.
Contact for Eye Donation :
Max Speciality Clinic
S-347, Panchsheel Park
New Delhi ll0 017.
Phone: +91 11 2649 9880
Fax: +91 11 2649 9860
S-347, Panchsheel Park
New Delhi ll0 017.
Phone: +91 11 2649 9880
Fax: +91 11 2649 9860
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