Fighting Cancer in the right manner

Life is sometimes strange and can give us reasons to be unhappy and unsettled. This holds true for most of us, but the ones who take out ways to remain happy come out as winners. We get only one life and it is absolutely imperative that we cherish and respect it. Fighting for a solution, inner peace & holistic happiness is the best teaching that any learned person or a religious book can offer to sustain life.

My friend’s father is the best example when it comes to someone who fought for his life till he lost the battle to death. He was suffering from cancer and could not get proper treatment at the right time. Still this did not stop him from smiling on his deathbed. He taught me the importance of being content and happy to leave this world in peace. It’s always painful to bid adieu, but if you manage to do that with a positive spirit, you are helping not only your own soul to rest in peace but doing a favour on your family and friends, so that they remember you for a longer time for your braveness and goodness.

Cancer treatment has different effects on different people. Since this disease is fatal, it is understood that patients afflicted with cancer are always looking for possible ways to cure this disease. There are millions of people all over the world who are living with cancer or have fought with cancer and succeeded to survive. Some patients fight it and are lucky to come out of cancer victoriously and some loose the battle. Modern medicine has evolved over the years and has discovered a lot of ways to treat and manage cancer. These medicines can save lives in few cases or atleast make lives more comfortable for cancer patients.

But there are few patients who either do not have the money for cancer treatment or do not have the correct knowledge and access about specialized cancer hospitals. If cancer is detected at an early stage, there are chances of survival. My friend’s father could have got a similar treatment if he had the right guidance and knowledge about possible treatment about cancer. A strong man lost the battle to the disease, but remains in our heart due to his strong willpower and a zest to live. I believe that we should all abide by a single preaching given by Bodhidharma, “Life and death are important, don’t suffer them in vain”.

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