Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery

Max Super Specialty Hospital's Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery department is a dedicated centre for effective surgical care of heart, lungs and blood vessel diseases.

The department is operative 24 hours a day and has a dedicated team of surgeons, nurses and other healthcare professionals working towards provision of best possible care to the patients with cardiac and vascular complications.

Max department of cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery is known for its precise diagnosis and beneficial treatment. The institute provides specialized care to the patients and is equipped with the latest technologies, digital flat panel labs and state of the art operation theatres.
Apex tertiary level coronary services are provided by on site medical consultants trained to handle acute MI. The institute provides preventive care services, advanced diagnostic services including a 64 slice CT scanner and comprehensive nuclear medicine facilities.
The cardiothoracic and vascular surgical programme has been accredited by the National Board of Examinations to carry out super-specialty training programmes in cardiothoracic & vascular surgery and cardiac anaesthesiology. Under the expert guidance and supervision of esteemed cardiothoracic surgeons and anaesthetists of this country, many more dedicated and highly trained professionals are being groomed to achieve excellence and medically enrich the country.

Max Healthcare Group prides itself in successfully offering surgical cures in case of Coronary Artery Diseases, when severe blockages occur; their treatment is done by performing either an Angioplasty or a Bypass Surgery. Also, Valvular Heart Disease is also treated with the help of surgery. Valvular Heart Disease is abnormally formed by birth or damaged by rheumatic fever, bacterial infection and calcified degeneration. Corrective surgery is a cure for Congenital Heart Disease in which people are born with problems that may affect the heart and major blood vessels. Effective treatment for Thoracic Aneurysm and Tumours of the Heart are also made available to the patients.

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