Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Conception
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Labels: Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Conception
Labels: Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Conception
“Making the decision to have a child-it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
--Elizabeth Stone
--Elizabeth Stone
The decision to be parents is one of the most life altering decisions that you can make. A child is very rightly the extension of your heart, soul and your ‘self’.
Sometimes, inability to have children affects couples negatively making them stressed and depressed. The causes for a woman, not being able to conceive can be hormonal disorders like not producing an egg as in polycystic ovary syndrome, fallopian tube damage or blockage, endometriosis, premature menopause, uterus abnormality, cervical problems or even unexplained causes. Even in men there can be many problems like low sperm count, poor sperm motility, abnormal shape of sperms, absent sperms, problems in having sexual relationship or even unexplained causes. Both the partners can have infertility problems as well.
Max Healthcare understands your wishes and hopes attached to becoming a parent. Max Healthcare Group Max Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Conception (IVF- Test Tube Baby) provides effective infertility treatment, IVF treatment and assisted reproduction using world class technology and professional care at an affordable cost.
Max Healthcare Group Max Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Conception offers Assisted Reproduction Techniques (Art) ART. ART includes, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). Couples can also opt for Laser Assisted Hatching- Transfer and Blastocyst Culture, Optical spindle imaging of oocyte using polarized microscope, Invitro Maturation of oocytes (IVM) (eggs).
Relaxed, supportive and warm environment at Max Healthcare helps you through the emotionally sensitive process of assisted conception. Our specialized and skilled team guides and supports the couples facing difficulties in conceiving, providing comprehensive solutions to help them achieve healthy parenthood.
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