Max Clubfoot Programme

Health issues and body malfunctions in children are very hard to diagnose. The reason behind this is simple, which is the fact that children are unable to express discomfort and judge trouble that they might experience as well as adults do. The smaller the child, the more the attention required towards him/her. The treatment in children also depends upon the kind of disease that the child has. Some physical malfunctions and deformities in children are by birth while some are acquired after birth.
Clubfoot is one such problem by birththat is found among children. Affected child is born with a clubfoot. Clubfoot is also called Congenital TalipesEquinoVarus and is said to be occurring in one among every 1000 children. In case of clubfoot, the foot of the child is visibly affected, the heel being drawn upwards while sole is inwardly turned.
Clubfoot is more common among boys than girls and the cause behind the disease is not so much known. The treatment of a clubfoot has series of stages. The first stage involves initial plaster casts. The second stage involves a 23 hours a day bracing for the 3 months from the birth of the child.  Maintenance is the third stage in which bracing is done during nap time of the child till the age of 3-4 years.
Max Healthcare has a supportive clubfoot programme to ease the pain of parents of the children with a clubfoot. Max clubfoot programme involves- antenatal counselling of parents, precise diagnosis from Paediatric Orthopaedic surgeon, supply of indepth information about clubfoot and past records of the child. Max understands the gravity of the concern of the parents and therefore has a proper contact/helpline for daytimeaccess for parents to help cope with the problems that arise as they take care of their child during the treatment stages. Take care!

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