Beautiful Eyes and Healthy Teeth are your Gateway to a Better Self

What is the first thing that you notice when you meet a person for the first time, their eyes and their smile right? If you do not make the right impression in the first place then you would make an impression on people that may be unsightly. So it is important that we take care of ourselves or suffer some things that I personally suffer at times.
Most of the times when I get up in the morning I get those puffy eyes, and it seems as if I have cried the whole night and people always ask me is there some problem with you? Thanks to my unmanageable pair of eyes I have to make all sorts of excuses in front of them.
I have a friend of mine who faces a same situation but for a different part of her body i.e. with her teeth and she is so conscious about her teeth, as there are some patches and spaces in between that she hardly smiles showing her teeth. We all compromise on things and take all the stress on ourselves but we never think about taking those corrective steps.
 By taking a few steps we all will get closer to make ourselves more confident and present ourselves in a better way to the world. To make our eyes beautiful and most importantly healthy, the first and the most important thing is to get a good night’s sleep. As we need to take proper eye care measure to have those beautiful eyes. Your eyes would start giving you signs and you will know how much eye care you need, as due to fatigue there would be redness in eyes, bags and dark shadows.
 To make those puffy eyes look good we should always take time out to rest our eyes for ten minutes every day. For our eye care we can do some small things like before sleeping we should remove all makeup from our eyes as it is not healthy to sleep with make up on your face. Make sure while reading at night you have adequate amount of light so that you need not strain your eyes.
Now let’s talk about some tips that we can follow to give that beautiful smile to the world and after reading this may be my friend too would smile open heartedly after following these steps. Whether we have healthy teeth or not we need to make sure that we go for regular dental care check- ups to our dentist.  But there are some steps that we can all take for our personal dental care as routine like brushing our teeth twice and flossing it on a routine basis. As a regular dental check up consumes less time and it does not even cost much. 
So by adopting this routine into our lives we can surely prove to the world that we are no less and we can proudly flaunt what we have. 

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