Health is Wealth so Treasure it for Life

Life is all about balancing yourself and how well you balance your health depends entirely upon you. Health is the most important thing in one’s life but sadly people do not take care of it as required. You must know that if you do not have health you don’t have anything and if you have health you have everything. We work so hard so that we can have a better standard of living but if that does not match with our health and we are not healthy then how will we enjoy our wealth and most importantly our life.
The stress levels are so high these days that people as young as 30 yrs old are having heart attacks and heart related problems. I can share a personal experience of mine that my father led a very free lifestyle until one day he was struck with some blockages in his heart due to his smoking habits. That day he quit smoking, but the question that arises is that why do we wait for something this dangerous to happen and then take our steps back? Why can’t we lead a healthy lifestyle beforehand so that we don’t give any stress to our body, ourselves and to our family.
A heart attack is a very serious thing and should not be taken lightly, it occurs in the form of a heart blockage or in the arteries around the heart, which results to a restricted flow of blood to the heart. When a heart attack occurs the heart surgery should begin within an hour. Heart attacks are the number one reason for the number of deaths in the world. So heart surgery should be done as soon as possible to revert back any kind of dangers.
Due to the stress level and other tensions in life or for being cool in a group of friends whatever the reason might be but youngsters of today are focusing more on drugs and other forms of substance abuse. They do not realize that they are wreaking havoc in their life’s and to their health too.
Due to this problem the whole process of intervention came into scene, many of us won’t even know what exactly an intervention is as it is a lesser heard term. An intervention is the facilitation of a well intentioned confrontation between groups of people who have a confrontation to the addict. The entire process is organized, arranged and managed by an interventionist who ensures that with their motivation levels they can prove to be of some help to those people. Take care of your health as that is the only investments that you can have for your life. 

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