Fighting cancer is possible now
A decade back, cancer was a dreaded disease and people took it as a synonym for death. But with the advancements in the field of medicine, the cure for cancer has been possible. Cancer usually starts with a tumor or a lump in one part of the body (benign tumor), in which uncontrolled and unspecialized growth of mitotic cells may occur at a later stage. If the tumor starts spreading out, it is called metastasis and the stage of cancer is called malignant cancer.
Cancers are named after the type of mitotic cells they originate from. For eg. The cancer of epithelial cells (covering of various glands) is called carcinoma, cancer of connective tissue (bone, cartilage, nerve) is referred to as sarcoma and cancer of bone marrow is called leukemia or lymphoma. Signs of cancer are evident but they can be ambiguous also. So one should check out for unusual lumps in the body, signs of ulceration, wounds not healing quickly, excessive sweat during night, weight loss and anemia. Although these signs are non-specific, people should not ignore them. A histological examination is carried out to confirm the occurrence of cancer.
Present day cure of cancer involves radiosurgery, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT), Stereotactic radio surgery and Radiation Therapy (SRS, SRT) and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) among others. Max Cancer Centre is equipped with these technologies and we can assure you a personalized and healthy healing- right from cancer screening, to its early detection and to multi-disciplinary treatment. So now there is no need to be fearful about this diseas. Approach the right doctor and start with the healting process. The earlier you realize your condition, the faster the action and the quicker the healing process!
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