Beat Cancer The Nutritious Way
Eating well is half the battle won, when fighting against
cancer. Especially when you’re diagnosed with a disease wherein the side
effects of the treatment could lead to a loss of appetite, making it a
challenge for you to like what you’re eating. Therefore, eating and
experimenting with dishes that will help you keep your weight intact and stay
strong is a good idea.
It is noted that during the ongoing treatment of cancer,
patients report of not being able to taste food as they are and often complain
of a sore throat and mouth. Keeping this in mind, since citrus and tangy fruits
and veggies could hurt, it’s best to drink sweet fruit juices. Peach juice,
sweet cherry juice, watermelon juice, mango nectar and pear nectar are some
healthy picks which are also good in calorie content. The intake of these will
help those who often feel dehydrated after the chemo therapy.
Besides fruit juices, one can also explore the possibility
of eating different types of soups – like chicken soup, garlic and almond soup,
green-leafy vegetables soup and so on. The idea is not to restrict, but to
diversify your diet which must incorporate foods and substances that are high
on protein, iron, and vitamins like A, D and E.
Milk shakes and fruit smoothies are also a rich source of
important vitamins and minerals; of course calcium is the key-takeaway of
healthy-goodness here. But when we talk of fruit-yogurt smoothies, let’s not
forget the amazing benefits it has to offer – besides being high on protein and
calcium, yogurt also contains probiotics. Add to that a fitting fruit, say for instance
a banana, and that’s a recipe that will keep cancer patients high on energy
levels. Maintaining stamina and strengthening the immune system are two
important bodily requirements of those suffering from cancer. And drinks like
banana-yogurt smoothie and strawberry milkshake do the needful.
There could be days when eating a full meal could seem like
a task. Cancer treatment with its mixture of therapies and medicines could do
this to you. In days like these, when eating isn’t on your agenda, go in for
snacks like cheese omelette and banana fritters with dips. Even better, you
could try eating a bowl full of cold salad when hot meals make you feel nauseated.
And don’t just limit to one type of salad, but go for salads that comprise of
different veggies that give you energy and are high on protein.
Keeping the nutritional aspect in mind for cancer patients,
Max Healthcare has come out with a recipe book called ‘Beat Right’, dedicated
specially for those recovering from cancer. Now here’s a book that gives you an
insight on how appetizing and interesting your diet can be, apart from being
nutritionally sound. Check out a snapshot of it here: & to order the same,
click here:
So make sure you grab your copy of Beat Right soon enough
and beat the food-blues by trying the recipes mentioned. It’s time to beat
cancer the nutritious way!
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