Motivation At Max’s Obesity Support Group

How often have you given up on the thought of losing weight? Have you lost the count? Well, you’re not alone. Making weight loss an ultimate goal will mean that there will be hurdles in the way till you achieve it, but it’s far more important to view weight loss as a journey - a journey that one should undertake for the sake of being fit and for the love of being healthy.

Despite the crazy frenzy surrounding ‘immediate’ and ‘fast’ weight loss, it’s imperative to understand that there are no shortcuts to losing those extra kilos. Sad but true, if you’re trying to lose weight quickly, keep in mind, that whatever crash dieting or over-exerting exercises you take on, the results would be unsatisfactory in the long run. For one, you will put back all of those extra kilos that you lost (you could end up piling on more) once you stop dieting. Second, over-exerting will result in fatigue or you could end up hurting your body.

Respect your body and build up your physical stamina over a period of time by joining a gym where you have a gym expert or a fitness trainer to guide you in the right direction. And as far as crash dieting is concerned, it will do exactly what the name suggests – it will result in a body crash-down.
Refrain from making decisions out of frustration; because once frustration gets the best of you, it’s easy to fall off the weight-loss track. Be gentle on yourselves. Weight loss is not a war against your body, but in fact, is an art where you’re slowly and gently moulding the shape of your body. Also, don’t be too hard on yourselves when you give in to temptation. You’re only human, and it’s alright to eat something that might be a bucket full of calories if you’ve been craving for it, provided this is once in a blue moon and not a regular practice.

Then there are those days when you feel like skipping exercise just because you don’t feel like. You could be mentally stuck more than being physically tired. And the solution to your mental makeover is motivation. This is where Max Enlighten’s Obesity Support Group comes in!

Imagine meeting like-minded people who’ve struggled or are still struggling through the same issues as you are. Let their stories prove to be an inspiration for you, let their past experiences and mistakes prove to be a learning ground for you. And when you feel like giving up, let this support group be your pillar of strength and help you fight all the odds concerning weight loss. So make sure you register for the Obesity Support Group Meet on 21st September, 2013 at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh.

Come over to meet experts talk and hear their take on why you shouldn’t be losing out on life because of obesity. ‘Enlighten’ yourselves by partaking in this health-support activity. For more info on the event and Enlighten’s Obesity Support Group, click here:

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