Don’t Fall Sick This Monsoon Season

Most of the time, in India at least, rain is associated with eating of hot jalebis and samosas with masala chai. While this holds true in the positive aspect, the flip side of the monsoons isn’t so rosy. The rainy season brings with itself not only traffic jams, but also waterborne diseases. No matter how well the infrastructure might be, there is always the panic of drainage water getting mixed with rain water. Add to that water clogging along with water stagnation, and you’ve got yourselves a recipe for disaster. Plus, with mosquito-breeding happening in and around where there’s stagnant water, it’s obvious that those grounds are the point of contagious diseases which are communicable.

It’s best to save yourselves from these diseases by adopting proper preventive measures. For instance, washing hands with an anti-bacterial soap, every time you’re about to eat food (especially with your hands) is a tip one should religiously follow. At times, when washing is impossible, using a hand sanitizer is the next best option. Also, when travelling via the public transport, avoid touching handles, seats with bare hands. Keep tissue paper handy and semi-wrap it in the palm of your hands. One should also avoid touching their sensitive areas like the face, or rubbing your eyes as it can cause infection.

Apart from the above mentioned precautions, the most important preventive measure is to keep a tab on your food and liquid intake. One of the common diseases during the monsoons is diarrhea. And considering that India is famous for its street food like gol-gappas, chat, vada-pau and what not, it’s best to stay away from street-food during the monsoons, if you want to keep diarrhea at bay! Because diarrhea happens due to contaminated water, the best way to avert the disease is to drink boiled or purified water and refrain from drinking tap water.

At any given point, if you notice that you are suffering from the following symptoms, it’s best to visit a doctor soon enough:
·         If you’re running high on temperature, and if your fever is accompanied with abdominal pain that is unbearable.
·         If your stomach is loose – that is frequent and watery stools.
·         If you notice blood in your stool, apart from the fact that it is frequent and watery.
·         If there’s bloating and puffiness on your body.
·         If you’re feeling dizzy from dehydration.

This monsoon season, enjoy the rain to the fullest by not being sick. However, if you feel an inch of uneasiness, don’t waste time and visit a Max Healthcare Hospital for a check-up. To book a webpointment, click here now:

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