6 Goals to Reach before You Undergo Gastric Bypass Surgery (Max Healthcare)

Gastric Bypass Surgery is very effective in inducing weight loss. It is both restrictive and mal-absorptive. It is restrictive in the sense that it restricts how much food the stomach can hold, and is mal-absorptive as it affects how much nutrients body absorbs. Surgery can be done laparoscopically (key-hole surgery) or through a larger open incision. Your doctor will decide which one is the best for you. However, more and more surgeons are using minimally invasive surgery these days. Remember, you’ll have to make some drastic changes to your lifestyle post procedure, and it’s better if you start inculcating some habits before surgery. So, here are 6 goals/habits that’ll help you make the most out of the Gastric Bypass Surgery.

1.Start Maintaining a Daily Food Record
Keep a watch on what goes inside, and write them down. This will give you an idea of how much calories you usually consume in a day.

2.Whole Grains, Vegetables, and Fruits
It’s time you start it! Include more and more of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits in your daily diet. Cut back on fast foods and other spicy foods.

3.It’s Time to Wean off of Sweets, Sodas, and Desserts
It’s not like you’ve to stop eating them; it’s like you’ve got to control how much you eat. Post-surgery, you’ll have to be very careful of eating sweets, sodas, desserts, and all sweetened beverages.

4.Protein is Your Best Friend
Introduce protein in your daily diet. Start eating protein rich foods at each meal. Also remember that high protein foods are the most important so have them before you consume any other food group (especially after the surgery).

5.Go Slow
Don’t drink liquids in one go; instead learn to sip them very slowly. Do this with your meals as well, which should ideally last for some 20 to 30 minutes. It’ll take you some days, but soon you’ll do it without any effort on your part.

6.Control Intake of Caffeinated and Carbonated Beverages
In order to get the most out of the gastric bypass surgery, you’ll have to learn to wean off of caffeinated and carbonated beverages; keep a watch on your consumption of alcoholic beverages as well.

Remember, surgery alone can’t do much for you; you’ll have to make the magic happen. Even after surgery, you’ll have to go for follow up sessions with your doctor and nutritionist so nothing comes in between you and your dream for a great body.

Click Gastric Bypass Surgery by Max Healthcare Chain of Hospitals, for more info.

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