You must know about cancer

Let us talk about some of the risk factors and symptoms corresponding to various kinds of cancers-

  • Stomach cancer is caused due to helicobacter pylori and bacterium infection. Some of the dietary issues, smoking and alcohol abuse also result in stomach cancer. A person suffering from stomach cancer may encounter blood in stool, abdominal pain and discomfort. Persistent nausea vomiting, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, abdominal bloating bowel changes, weakness and fatigue are some of the other symptoms that stomach cancer may result to.

  • Cervical cancer is caused due to human papiloma virus HPV infection and is a sexually transmitted disease. Abnormal vaginal bleeding, ununsual or heavy vaginal discharge, pelvic pain and pain during urination are some of the problems that a patient suffering from cervical cancer may encounter.

  • Oral cancer is found in men and women over 40. People who abuse tobacco and alchohol are at a high risk of catching oral cancer. Persistent viral infection should also be given medical attention as it can result into an oral cancer. Sores or blisters in mouth that do not heal, lesions on tongue or tonsil, white and red patches in mouth or lips that do not heal, bleeding from mouth, swelling or pain from jaw, persistent ear ache, difficulty swallowing, chewing, speaking, moving tongue are some of the major symptoms behind oral cancer.

  • Liver cancer spreads with the Hepatitis B and C infection and excessive alchohol abuse. Fever, fatigue, jaundice, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain or discomfort on the right side, unintentional weight loss are some of the major symptoms behind liver cancer.

Max Cancer Center believes that information and knowledge about cancer is the first step towards cure and health. Stay informed, stay healthy! 

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