Recurrent Miscarriages- It Can Happen to Any Woman!

Motherhood is the most treasured gift for any married woman. There are lots of hopes and wishes, attached with this state and this term. This experience simply changes a woman’s life, and she is transformed into a mother. You and your family might have started all the preparations, and you would have started your shopping too! You and your husband are excited to share your future with your child.

Then in a flip of a second, your world turns upside down. All your hopes and expectations come crashing down. The loving eyes of your family are changed to scornful and blaming eyes! You have miscarried. To deal with this situation while answering all the questions is not easy. It is emotionally and physically draining.

But the world does not end here! You have to get up and start afresh. But, this time you need to seek some information in this matter. And you will realize that you are not the only one. There are lots and lots of women who have miscarried, twice or may be thrice. But, let this be your last time, gain some information on this matter, and rectify what went wrong the first time.

When women have two or three (or more) miscarriages in a row, it is called recurrent miscarriages. The cause of recurrent miscarriages is not widely known. Let’s probe further and discover why this happens?

Causes of recurrent miscarriages

Genetic/Chromosomal Defects: 70% of miscarriages occur due to chromosomal defects. It is widely common in those women, who are over the age of thirty five. These defects in most cases, are a random occurrence, and do not re-occur in subsequent pregnancies.

Age- After the age of thirty five the risk of miscarriages escalates. After forty, more than 33% undergoes miscarriages. The rate of miscarriage prior to the age of thirty five is about 10-20%.

Uterine Abnormalities- Some women are born with abnormalities in the uterine; double uterus or an abnormally shaped uterus. This may result in problems like improper implantation, irregular blood supply to the uterus, less room for the baby to develop and grow.

Ineffectual Cervix- A Cervix that is not competent enough would cause trimester miscarriages or premature labor. Weakened cervix may require a surgical procedure, called cerclage (a surgical stitch around the cervix, preventing it from dilating prematurely).

There are other hormonal causes like luteal phase defect, polycystic ovarian syndrome, other hormonal conditions, auto-immune disorders, infection, male factor and some other unknown causes.

Enjoy your motherhood by rectifying the abnormalities at Max healthcare center and live a happier life with your new born!

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