Joint Replacement Surgery to treat your Joint Pain

Joint replacement surgery is done to treat different types of arthritis. It is done to treat different kinds of arthritis of various body parts like Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid arthritis for mainly hip, knee or wrist.
This type of surgery is specifically performed on patients when all other treatments have failed and the pain is intolerable or the person cannot function normally. Patients suffer from this situation when the cartilage used as a protective cushioning between two or more bones is damaged and the tissues around the joint gets inflamed. The cartilage wears away with time and allows the bones to rub against each other.
When you are suffering from arthritis then surgery is never the first option. Firstly the patient is treated with appropriate medications, physiotherapy or some special activity exercises. Surgery is only advised when even after all these procedures the patient has no relief from pain. It is only in this case the surgical options are considered.
Osteoarthritis is considered to be the most common type of joint replacement surgery. It is also called degenerative arthritis and osteoarthritis refers to the degradation of the joints that mainly constitutes parts like hip, knee, wrist and spine. This may cause the parts to swell up and become red, stiffen or become tender. This condition is mainly caused due to the process of ageing and it can also be caused due some kind of injury or obesity. The symptoms of this condition occur gradually and worsen with the passage of time.
Another main reason for joint replacement surgery is due to rheumatoid arthritis. It is a chronic inflammation disease that mainly focuses on the lining of the joints. This causes stiffness and swelling of the inflamed lining that can invade and damage the bone and the cartilage.
Joint replacement surgery includes different types of surgeries like knee and hip replacement that relates to wrist, ankle, foot, shoulder and elbow. The extent of the surgery will depend entirely upon the severity of the problem.
In a hip replacement surgery only a part of your joint is replaced and when you are suffering from arthritis of the knee then if the problem is not severe then the surgeon may suggest you a torn meniscus surgery or knee arthroscopy. In this knee replacement surgery the healing process is fast and is also less painful. Whereas the total knee replacement surgery includes the process where there is complete removal of the cartilage.
Consult your Maxhealthcare specialist about the surgery and make sure that you do not rush to get the surgery done. Go for the surgery if you have tried all other non-surgical treatments.

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