Teeth Whitening can Remove Stains from your Teeth

Teeth whitening method has become quite popular over the years and with the advent of new technology there are a number of treatments that offers respite from stained teeth. Tooth whitening can also be termed as dental bleaching and it is a common term in the field of dentistry but most often this term is used in cosmetic dentistry.
In childhood our teeth is whiter than usual as it is pure and unpolluted but as we age with time our teeth becomes stained due to a number of factors and it also decreases our oral health and the mineral structure of our tooth enamel that is present in our teeth is less porous and the bacteria gets build up over time and it starts increasing as we age with time, so this happens due to poor oral hygiene. Our teeth can also get stained due to a number of factors like tobacco, caffeine and other antibiotic medicines like tetracycline that would stain our teeth and it would also reduce the beauty of the enamel.
You can whiten your teeth with different methods like bleaching strips, bleaching pen, gel and laser bleaching as well. They are easily available to our dental hygienists or even the dentists. We can also apply this mixture in our home also by using a bleaching gel on our teeth with the help of thin guard trays.
There are various other oxidizing agents that are available in the chemist shop like oxidizing agents like hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide that can be used to whiten the teeth. These agents enter the dentin layer and it affects the whiter tooth that lasts for several months. The health of your teeth can depend upon your lifestyle habits and one must practice regular oral care.
It is important that one must take extra precautions while using the whitening or bleaching tooth agents as there are some side effects that may also cause other risks if you do not seek some expert advice from a professional dental care provider. Your teeth may also face problems if there are some chemical burns that may happen due to the bleaching gel and if extra care and precaution is not taken then your teeth would face further problems. Excessive amount of bleaching would also prove to be harmful for your teeth as there may be some rebound effect or a bleached effect with intensive care treatments. If you use the home tooth bleaching agents then it may reduce the effect of the tooth enamel and it may also cause some temporary tooth sensitivity. Tissue irritation is also a common occurrence that will last for 1 to 3 days till the completion of the treatment.
One must also note the facts that dental bleaching is not advisable amongst children who are below the age of 16 years as in children the pulp chamber or the tooth nerves are bloated. The process of teeth whitening is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women as the dental whitening chemicals would prove to be harmful for the fetus. Visit Maxhealthcare and consult the dental care specialists and they would advise the correct method to whiten your teeth.

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