Max’s Organizational Psychology Initiative

Work place is a very important part in a person’s well being and the well-being of a person also affects the environment of the work place. It is the interface between whole of organization and the individual as a single unit that makes for a wholesome structure of organization at the work place.

Since, there has been a tremendous rise in stress related issues lately, Max Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences has come up with Max Organizational Psychology Initiative to help facilitate optimum productivity of organizations and relieve stress in individuals.

The Organizational Psychology Initiative along with the team experts in Mental Health and Behaviourial Sciences is a sincere and challenging effort from us. Since, India is a country with a very high rate of industrial development and with rapidly changing lifestyles of workers; the overall well being of the individual becomes important.

Organizational Psychology deals with development of strategies that help build better organizations. The mental health team at Max helps the organizations with the staffing and workforce development. Improved workforce development improved workforce climate which positively improves an organizations’ performance.

Max Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences prides itself in developing Organizational Psychology Initiative. The Organizational Psychology initiative includes short talks on topics related to individual well-being like stress, coping skills, life transition, problem solving, group relationships, psychological skill set of a leader, work-identity, psychology of emotional quotient, cognitive restructuring etc. The program also includes workshops that involve mentoring/coaching, counseling, group harmony, stress, work life balance, work identity etc.

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