Angioplasty heart surgery: Heart attack emergency treatment

Heart attack, we all have come across these two words at some point or the other and what follows next is bad news in most occasions. Heart attack is a problem that predominantly occurs due to an abusive lifestyle. One of the reasons why the Urban population forms the larger portion of the patient-tele. We urbanites lead the most abusive lives. From our diet, to physical activity, to even our sleep patterns, everything is compromised with and we are always looking for shortcuts. Resultant is a heart disease or unexpected occurrence of a heart attack.

With the advent of advanced medical technology and the developments in the field of medical science, the healthcare industry has risen to this potential life threatening ailment and has come up with solutions. One of the leading names in this industry Max Healthcare is doing a good job in treating heart diseases. The Max Heart & Vascular Institute specializes in Angioplasty heart surgery in India.

Angioplasty heart surgery is considered to be the most effective way to stop heart attack.

Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) occurs when the blood supply to a part of the heart is interrupted, causing death and scarring of the local heart tissue. Since the area affected may be large or small, the severity of heart attacks can vary, but they are often life-threatening medical emergencies that demand both immediate attention and activation of the emergency medical services.

In the event of a patient getting a heart attack, the Max Healthcare Cardiology team performs an immediate coronary angiogram and accesses the damaged vessels immediately, thus restoring flow to the affected area of heart muscle in the shortest possible time span.

This is how Angioplasty heart surgery is performed. At Max Healthcare, the programme is coordinated by a centralized emergency base station for all types of cardiac emergencies. The emergency team has advanced cardiac life support ambulances and air evacuation services to take care of the needs of patients, with comprehensive on-site, state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities along with triaging, resuscitation capabilities and trained medical staff.

The Angioplasty heart surgeries performed at Max Heart & Vascular Institute have saved the lives of many. Max Healthcare has put its heart in taking care of yours.

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