Assisted Conception at Max

Motherhood is the most beautiful feeling they say. Max Health Care understands your concern and your wishes involving motherhood and parenthood. For those who are unable to conceive naturally,
Max Health Care offers options for assisted conception and reproductive medicines.

One of the common procedures pertaining to assisted conception is IVF- In-vitro fertilization. IVF is also referred to as test tube baby procedure and has been extremely popular ever since 1978 when the world’s first IVF baby took birth. Success rate of IVF is extremely high as there are 50,000 to 100,000 sperms used in a test-tube to assist in the conception and fertilization of the egg. In-vitro fertilization involves egg or ovum being fertilized outside the body and the fertilized embryo(s) being transplanted into uterus of the mother.

Another breakthrough and advanced procedure in the field of assisted conception and IVF, is Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), first used in the year 1992. ICSI is a revolutionary medicinal procedure that helps in overcoming sperm inability to fertilize ovum/egg. In case of ICSI, sperm is injected to the egg cytoplasm to facilitate egg fertilization.

Some of the steps followed in IVF and ICSI procedures include, hormonal injections for ovary stimulation to obtain eggs, follicular development being tracked with the help of sonology and blood tests, semen collection, retrieving of eggs from ovary follicles under some form of anaesthesia, laboratory fertilization of eggs, embryo transplant into the uterus of the mother.

Though, IVF and ICSI are safe and successful procedures. However, just like every medical procedure, IVF and ICSI also have certain rare risks involved with them, namely, multiple pregnancy, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, ectopic pregnancy, heavy bleeding, infection and sometimes anaesthesia risks.

Rely on Max Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Conception for a minimal trouble and expert clinical assistance. The distinguished and specialist doctors alongwith best of technology await at Max Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Conception to provide successful treatment and supreme aid to all the couples desiring to undergo assisted conception. Happy Parenthood!

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