All you need to know about skin grafting

Skin grafting is an aesthetic corrective that involves a skin patch from a healthy site on the body being surgically removed from one area and being transplanted onto another area on the body.

Apart from aesthetic corrective, skin grafting is also recommended incase when someone has extensive wounds, injuries caused due to skin burning or extensive skin loss due to infection.

There are some basic checkpoints that one would have to undergo before settling down for skin grafting. First and foremost, patient’s family history is taken into account to understand the skin tendencies and allergies of the patient. Also, there may be a need to get a blood test as per the instructions of the surgeon. As a part of the preparation for skin grafting, the wound site becomes an important area to determine if the procedure would be successful or not. The patient may, as a part of the preparation, be prescribed antibiotics to be taken prior to the procedure.

The donor area or site of the body is usually a protected and an area hidden by clothes, like inner thigh area and buttock area. The donor site selection is dependent upon the visibility and colour match of the skin and the site.

The graft or patch of skin is spread on the recipient area and is held there gently with the help of a padded dressing or by small stitches. The donor area becomes raw and thus is protected and covered through a sterile dressing to avoid infection one to two weeks.
Skin grafts have to be protected and supported using a crepe bandage or a stocking and have to be lubricated with mineral oil to avoid contracture and cracks.

There are several complications that may arise if skin grafting is not performed with the expertise that’s required. In order to avoid such complications and problems, trust none other than Max Institute of Aesthetic & ReconstructiveSurgery. Max uses advanced technologies to offer detailed evaluation and personalised treatment to suit the needs of the patients.

Stay informed and choose intelligently!

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