Increasing Confidence with Tummy Tuck

The consumerism driven generation of today that considers size zero as an ideal body size raises doubts and reduces confidence in one’s body if it is not in line with the set societal norms. Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that changes the shape of your abdomen; however it is not a procedure to lose weight. A tummy tuck removes excess fat localized in the body and the excess skin is also removed. This procedure is different from liposuction, in which there is excess fat to be removed but not excess skin.
This operation is performed under the affect of anesthesia. During the tummy tuck operation, there are two cuts made — one horizontal, running across the stomach above the pubic area and one around the navel. After freeing the skin from navel area, the vertical muscles of the abdomen, also called rectus muscles are pulled, stretched and repositioned. This tightening and repositioning of the muscles reduces waistline. After this is done, the excess skin is removed and the remaining is wrapped back over the muscles and stitched into place. Although, the size of abdomen is reduced, one should note that these procedures are not a substitute for a regular workout of healthy diet.
The after effects of operation can be swollen abdomen and some general discomforts, like not being able to walk straight, but these effects wear off after some days of hospitalization and medication. However, there will be an inverted T-shaped scar on the abdomen which will become lighter with time.
People should not go for such procedure unless the size of their body is hampering with daily activities of life. A good doctor must be consulted before going under the knife!

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