Nuclear Medicine and the benefits of Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine is a breakthrough phenomenon in the field of medicine. The technique is used to diagnose as well as treat the diseases in a very safe and painless way. The branch of medicine involves study of organs at cellular level and also helps in diagnosis of any disease before it reaches a stage which causes any kind of change at a structural level. Therefore, nuclear medicine is much more physiological and much more sensitive than tests like ultrasound, CT, MRI etc.

Special computers, cameras and very minute quantities of radioactive substances are used in the field of nuclear medicine. Radioactive substances are used and introduced into the body with the help of injection, oral dosage and inhalation.

Nuclear medicine is capable of providing all the answers to all the medical queries. Nuclear medicine can provide answers to comprehensive questions like-
  • Is the heart pumping adequate amount of blood?
  • Are the heart arteries blocked or working properly?
  • Is angioplasty or any kind of bypass surgery required?
  • Does the brain have adequate blood supply?
  • Are brain cells working properly?
  • Is thyroid issue there?
  • Are kidneys functioning alright?
  • Is cancer present in the body? What is the location of the cancer? How much has it spread? What kind of treatment has to be given?

Nuclear medicine also aids greatly in understanding the functioning of newly transplanted organs and their functioning. The branch of medicine also helps in identifying seizures, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Nuclear medicine is able to locate even the minutest of bone rupture/fracture before it’s visible in the X-rays. The nuclear imaging techniques reach far beyond the scope of usual X-rays and MRIs etc and indicate organ’s anatomy as well as functioning.

Patients over many years have really benefited from the expert Max Healthcare coming from Max Department of Nuclear Medicine. Appropriate diagnosis, adequate treatment and successful prognosis at Max Department of Nuclear Medicine have aided the patients’ recovery since many years. Trust Department of Nuclear Medicine to avail the latest tests like PET/CT Scan, MPI, Bone Scan, Brain SPECT Scan, Thyroid Scan, Gallbladder Scan, Gallium Scan, Nuclear Renal Scan, DTPA Renal Scan etc.  

Stay healthy mothers!

A new mother needs to really intake a healthy meal as it helps in breastfeeding the baby. During the period of breast feeding, inorder to maintain optimum milk supply for the child, the mother needs to have a nutritious diet. Milk supply has to be optimum so as to ensure that the baby is healthy, therefore, nutrition for the mother becomes doubly important- for the mother’s own health as well as for the baby’s health.
What are the ways in which a lactating mother can stay healthy?
First and foremost, the mother needs to take in small 5-6 meals a day and should never miss any of meals. Intaking small meals through the day would make sure that there is no indigestion or problem of hyperacidity. Secondly, certain beverages like coffee, tea and cold drinks need to be avoided. Caffeine, when passed into the breast milk is not a very healthy option as these can induce problems diarrhea or colic in a child. Fried and fatty food has to be avoided. Food items loaded with desi ghee are considered to be healthy, however, it must be noted that these do not provide much nutrition, rather, just make you fat and are hard to digest.
A lot of Vitamin C through citrus fruits, juices and fresh lime needs to be intaken as Vitamin C helps in iron absorption in one’s body. Eat a lot legumes, eggs, milk, cereals, green vegetables, fruits, yoghurt and cheese. Eating healthy stuff and eating regularly will greatly help in optimizing the milk supply! Along with food, the person should drink lots of fluid like milk, water and juices. Drinking fluids help the mother replenish the amount lost fluid amount that goes into producing milk. Also, there are certain herbs that really help in rebuilding strength and bringing back the mother to normal life after delivery! Stinging nettle helps in recovering the lost blood during birth, turmeric helps in preventing breast inflammation, oat-straw provides nurture and nourishment to the nerves and helps in providing nervous exhaustion. The herbs do provide assistance in the supply of the milk as well.
Max Institute of Nutrition and Dietetics would help understand the need for nutrition according to individuals in a better way. Every individual has her own dietary needs during the time of delivery and later on, therefore, it is necessary that every individual gets proper advise and suggestions regarding her special needs. Take care and stay healthy!

All about PET/CT Scan- Positron Emission Tomography

PET/CT Scan (Positron Emission Tomography) is a procedure that is most widely used in the field of oncology, cardiology and neurology.

  • Oncology uses PET/CT Scan to detect metabolically active tumours that are malignant and to stage as well as monitor the response of therapies on the malignant disease.

  • In case of cardiology, the PET/CT Scan is used for assessment of coronary blood flow and the metabolic activity which in turn help assessment of myocardial viability.

  • Neurology uses the PET/CT Scan in treatment of Parkinson’s disease, dementias and seizures.

Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography are the two imaging modalities that are combined in a PET/CT scanner. The combination of the two provides simultaneous fusion of the anatomic information as well as imaging information. With the help of such a technology, not only is an abnormal cell function is detected but the abnormality can also be anatomically mapped and that too, with great precision! Accurate diagnosis and comprehensive staging helps to direct treatment in a very successful way.

The PET and PET-CT Scan is used to evaluate diseases like cancer, heart problems, brain disorders, blood cell disorders, bone disorders as well as infections, abnormality in blood flow and organ functions etc. Evaluation of medicine given to the patient is can also be carried out using the PET and PET-CT Scan.

Max Healthcare Department of Nuclear Medicine provides expert diagnostic services and is the best equipped place for availing sophisticated treatment. Trust Max Department of Nuclear Medicine for successful treatment with latest technology and renowned team of doctors.

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivitydisorder (ADHD) is a very common mental problem found among children these days. The disorder is seven times more common among boys than girl children. Boys show hyperactivity while girls suffering from ADHD may find it difficult to pay attention.

ADHD may begin early in pre-school years and may go on into adulthood. One third of children suffering from ADHD disorder find it difficult to be able to read. Half of children and teenagers suffering from the disorder have behavioural issues like breaking rules, talking back and also hitting fellow children.

The symptoms like hyperactivity related to the disorder usually become apparent by the age of two or three. The three of the main symptoms associated with the disorder are distracted, implusive and hyperactive behaviour.

Children with ADHD are continuously distracted from whatever is goes around them. They may also find it difficult to wait in queues and finish projects they take upon. The children with ADHD are also quick to react in situation, have a short temper, are extremely fidgety, get bored very easily and often show hyperactivity while others are calmly seated.

The three forms of ADHD are combined ADHD, predominately inattentive ADHD, and predominately impulsive ADHD. A child with combined ADHD is usually distracted, is impulsive as well as extremely hyperactive. In case of predominately inattentive ADHD, the child lacks focus and attention; while in predominately impulsive ADHD, the child has poor self control and is usually very hyperactive.

Stay informed, stay wary and come to Max Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences. Max will help you understand your child’s special needs better. Understanding your child’s condition is extremely important these days to help yourself know how to take care of your child in the long run. Come to Max!

Know about Depression

Depression in children and teenagers is very common these days. 2 % and 5% of school children and adolescents suffer from depression respectively. There are many symptoms associated with depression. Sadness or feeling low, loss of interest, withdrawal from social network, loss or gain of weight, appetite change, changes in sleep pattern, deterioration in academic performance, frequent pains and aches are some of the symptoms of depression. Also, a depressed child more than often cries, stays irritable, is upset, persistently bored, low on energy, has poor concentration, has behavioural problems and has conflicts with parents and other authority figures.

Some of the causes that result in depression amongst children and adolescents include-

  • Biochemistry- When the two chemicals- serotonin and norepinephrine are deficient in the brain of a person; the person usually shows symptoms like anxiety, irritability and fatigue that are associated with depression.

  • Genetics- Sometimes depression runs in families. Two twins in the family may suffer from the illness if one of them is prone to it.

  • Personality- People who have low self esteem and people who are generally overwhelmed due to stress or have a pessimistic attitude are more vulnerable towards depression.

Max’s Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences offers comprehensive treatment for patients of depression. The treatment for children and adolescents suffering from depression include the following:

  • Medications- At Max, medications from expert psychiatrists are provided to the patients. These medications help in restoring chemical balance and prove to be therapeutic for the children and adolescents without creating any side-effects. 

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy- The therapy consists of provision for restructuring of thought that help the children and adolescents in effective behavioural changes. The therapy targets problem solving, social skill development, activity scheduling and self-monitoring. 

  • Family Guidance- Family guidance and education support are provided to parents and families that help them take upon supportive roles to be able to help their children.

Fight depression with Max’s support!

NURTURE - Antenatal & Lamaze Classes

Childbirth is the most wonderful thing in the world. There is a lot of societal pressure attached to parenting, childbirth and motherhood. In such a scenario, it is natural for a mother to be nervous and anxious about the changes that are happening to her and the lifestyle change that she will experience after her child arrives.

Max Healthcare Group understands and cares for you and your child. Max AntenatalProgram is a beautifully designed programme to make expecting mothers confident. The mothers-to-be are taught to effectively deal with personal, professional, social changes occurring during their pregnancy.

The Obstetrician conducting the classes is a Lamaze Trained Childbirth Educator who instills confidence by giving individualized classes depending on the antenatal history. Small and personalized interactive classes are provided to help the mother-to-be. Treatment advice and strategies to facilitate natural childbirth are shared with the expectant mothers. Antenatal and Lamaze classes prepare the would-be fathers to support the expecting mothers to help them deal with physical and emotional changes during childbirth and afterwards. The couple also receives guidance to help them handle and take care of the baby after it arrives.

Relaxation techniques, exercises, yoga, music, dance, good nutrition etc are advised upon by the Obstetrician. Max Antenatal and Lamaze classes ensure that the mother-to-be is comfortable about the idea of giving birth and she has confidence in her ability to give birth. Pain relief, massages, breathing and physical exercises etc along with a tour of birthing facility during classes are provided to comfort the couple and acquaint them with the routine practices.

What is Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure carried out to correct the septum of the nose. The procedure is carried out to treat the deformities and defects in the shape of the septum. The deformities in septum are present either from birth or develop later on as a consequence of an injury. Not always do the septum deformities and deviations show significant symptoms, however incase of severe deviations the septum is corrected with the help of surgical intervention.

The major reason behind septoplasty include obstruction of nasal airway, septal spur headache, uncontrollable bleeding of the nose and deformities of the nasal septum etc. Incase of obstruction of the nasal airway, the patient usually breathes with the help of the mouth and suffers from sleep apnea. The patient also is susceptible to recurring nasal infections. Incase of septal spur headache, a person suffers from a headache due to the pressure stemming from the septal impaction. The septal impaction can be done away with, by placing a numbing anesthesia on the area. Also, sometimes septoplasty has to be carried out incase the septum of a person is damaged by abuse of cocaine and other drugs.

Septoplasty is a very delicate procedure that requires expert surgeons and comprehensive treatments. Max’s Department of ENT has a distinguished and renowned team of doctors to ensure successful septoplasty and other surgeries. The Department of ENT at Max provides an all over treatment and care to for all the delicate ear, nose and throat problems. Trust the team of doctors at Max with their excellent skills when it comes to your ENT!

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a very common condition in the whole of the world, owing to the unhealthy lifestyle of the people. In India, more than 30 million people suffer from diabetes. The medical name of diabetes is diabetes mellitus and it is a condition in which the level of glucose in the blood rises as the blood is unable to utilize the glucose amount properly. Diabetes, when untreated may result in diseases related to heart and kidney. A patient of diabetes is susceptible to heart stroke and loss of vision too.

There are two kinds of diabetes- Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes is a condition when the body is unable to produce insulin. Usually such a condition occurs before 40 years of age and patients need to be given insulin treatment in such cases. Type 2 Diabetes is a condition that crops up when body is not producing optimum amount of insulin. This process is called as insulin resistance and occurs due to overweight in the patient.

Sometimes pregnant women develop gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes usually gets over as soon as the pregnancy is over but the patient is susceptible to develop type 2 diabetes later in life.

Pay attention to the symptoms that may arise as a result of diabetes and contact your doctor immediately. Stay wary of increased thirst, urination, tiredness, loss of weight, blurred vision, frequent UTI episodes, genital itching, extreme hunger, feeling of
ageing etc. Contact Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity at Max for precise and successful treatment of your condition.

About adenoids & sinusitis problems

Max’s Department of ENT is a very well-equipped department and offers a range of comprehensive treatment as well as facilities for all the ENT (ear, nose, and throat) problems. Let’s discuss two of the most popular ENT problems and the corresponding facilities to treat the conditions as available at the department –

  • Small lumps at the back of the throat are called Adenoids. These tissue lumps help one to fight ear, nose and throat infections in children. After the age of 3, the adenoids are not needed. These get swollen incase the child catches cold and throat infection and block the nose, making it difficult to breath and sleep for the child. Adenoidectomy is a medical procedure that is used to remove adenoids. The procedure helps the symptoms completely proving to be a long-term relief for the person.

  • Sinusitis is a condition when the sinus membranes get infected and swell up. As the sinus linings swell, there is large amount of mucus that’s produced that further blocks passages between nose and sinus causing pain. Medication is usually prescribed to the patients, however, in case of chronic sinusitis, surgery is carried out. The surgeon makes an extra and enlarged passage in the wall of sinus cavity which allows the sinus to drain easily through the nasal passages and prevent them from infection. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) helps in reduction of chronic symptoms pertaining to sinusitis.

Max’s Department of ENT offers the best of services and facilities to take care of the delicate ENT problems. Do not worry, trust Max for effective treatment for your entire family.

Importance of nutrition

Food supplies us with some chemicals that our body requires us to intake in order to undergo organic procedures like growth, maintenance and repair properly. These chemical substances are called as nutrients. Nutrients are extremely important and are required by our body not just once but all the time, with every meal. Insufficient intake of nutrients may cause slower growth rate and create deficiencies of nutrients in our body resulting in various disorders and mal-nourishment.

Nutrients are divided into- carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins, vitamins and water. All the six nutrients are important for a person and have to be taken in sufficient amounts to facilitate proper functioning of the body. These nutrients aid a person to undergo various phases of life like childhood, adulthood, pregnancy and motherhood in women etc. The nutrients act as a source of heat and energy for our bodies which support growth of new tissues all the time, throughout our lives. Good nutrition facilitates physical growth, composition and mental development.

You can avail diet therapy at Max’s Department of Nutrition & Dietetics. Diet therapy is a modification of a person’s diet as per the person’s all over health and proves to be a therapeutic process. The nutrients are picked and balanced to maintain health for the patients.

It is important to know your dietary needs in all walks of life. Come to Max’s Department of Nutrition & Dietetics to know and understand your bodily energy requirements for body’s smooth functioning. Do not worry if you are pre-disposed towards any chronic disease and avail specialized treatment for yourself at Max.

Come to Max and gift yourself a healthy diet and all over lifestyle modification with the diet therapy!

Basics about Skin Grafting

What is Skin Grafting?
Skin Grafting is a very popular aesthetic procedure that is used in order to correct aesthetic flaws in one’s appearance. The procedure involves skin being surgically moved from one place of the body to another place. The place from where the skin is surgically lifted is called the donor site while the place where the skin is transplanted is known as recipient donor.

Donor site is usually any body part which is hidden behind the clothes. The areas like buttock, inner thighs etc. prove to be ideal donor sites as these are protected areas of the body. The colour match and the skin visibility are the two factors that are considered while the donor site is chosen. The graft spread onto the area is covered and held at one place with the help of a well-padded dressing as sometimes by small stitches. The donor site becomes raw after the graft and is covered with the help up of sterile dressing for about two weeks to be keep it protected from any kind of infection.

What really happens once the procedure is complete?
As the skin graft is complete and is put in place, the area has to be maintained properly. Grafts on legs have to maintained by being on bed for a week to ten days without putting any kind of pressure on the legs. The legs have to be kept in an elevated position. Grafts on other body areas have similar special taking care requirements that have to be kept in mind to keep in track the contracture of the area in question! It is advisable to have a very good surgeon helping and advising throughout, even as you are going through follow-ups for your skin graft to make sure that the surgery is successful. Therefore, trust Max Institute of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery to avail world class treatment and after surgery care!
Take care of yourself with Max.

Why is diet important during lactation?

Breastfeeding is a very fulfilling experience. A healthy diet really helps during pregnancyand lactation period as well. During lactation period a lot of energy and nutrients are lost and therefore, having proper nutrients like protein, calcium, iron and vitamins in one’s diet during lactation period is important. It is important to intake well-balanced meals routinely throughout the day. Fluid and food intake should be proper and a variety of healthy foods also need to be taken into.

Why does one need nutritious diet during lactation?
One needs proper diet during lactation in order to produce optimum quantity of breast milk for the baby. If the mother is well fed and is taking a healthy diet then, the nutrients for the growing baby are provided for, properly. Also, it is important for a mother to have her body’s strength and to fulfill daily nutritional requirement. The energy that the mother obtains from food items is passed onto the baby through milk. The nutritional requirement can be fulfilled with food items, drinks, whole grain cereals, pulses, milk, milk products etc. High calorie food like ghee should be avoided.

Lactation is a very important period in one’s life and holds a lot of biological significance for oneself too. The hormonal changes that occur during the period of lactation really need a diet modification to be coped with. A diet modification is an important step in caring for one’s self. It is true that for the lactation period the mother needs to be nourished properly. However, it is equally important to pay attention to individual dietary needs. Visit MaxHealthcare- Department of Nutrition and Dietetics to understand your diet while you are lactating. Trust Department of Nutrition and Dietetics for your special dietary needs.

Clubfoot facts

Clubfoot, also known as Congenital Talipes Equino Varus is a foot deformity that children are born with. Clubfoot is treated by treating the deformed foot with plaster casts over a few weeks.

The clubfoot treatment includes initial consecutive plaster casts as the first stage. Second stage of the treatment involves a twenty three hour bracing/full time bracing for the first three months. Third stage of the treatment involves maintenance of the correction with the help of night and nap time bracing upto 3-4 years of age.

After six to eight plasters, it is observed that the affected foot turns to 90 degree to the leg itself. The child would need a regular clinical review throughout the time period the treatment is being done. However, as the child reaches the night and nap time brace wearing stage, the review is carried out once every three to six months. Tendon transfer at the age of three to four years may be required if there is any kind of residual deformity.

There are a few other treatment modalities for curing a clubfoot. Along with serial plaster casts, surgical removal of tissues, use of external fixator, corrective surgery are some of the options for treating a clubfoot.

Do not worry if your child has a clubfoot. Max Institute of Paediatrics offers the finest possible medical services. Max believes that children are special and thus offers compassionate healthcare for your child. The expert surgeons and state-of-the-art medical facilities ensure health for your child. You can rely on Max to get a speedy recovery for your child.

Does your child have a club foot?

Clubfoot is a very common foot deformity amongst children. The medical name for Clubfoot is Congenital Talipes Equino Varus. One child in every one thousand children is born with a clubfoot.

In case of a clubfoot, the sole of the foot is turned towards inside while the heel is drawn upwards. The exact reason and cause behind this deformity is unknown. The condition is, however, more common in boys than in girls.

Clubfoot is diagnosed either when a child is born or after the antenatal scan before the birth. Clubfoot, in most of the cases does not have any secondary complications. However, in some cases there may arise musculoskeletal or some systemic problems. The condition would be better explainable on proper diagnosis by Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon.

Current mode of treatment for the problem consists of serial plaster castings. The reason behind the way of treatment is the fact that baby’s tissues are very soft and can be slowly moulded and stretched to the corrected position with the help of these plasters.

The treatment needs to be started as soon as the baby is born and the condition is diagnosed. A prompt treatment would increase the chances of successful treatment as the baby’s tissues are supple and soft during early stages. The ideal time to start the treatment is within the first two weeks from the baby’s birth.

In case, your child has a clubfoot, do not worry and come to Max Institute of Paediatrics. Max Institute of Paediatrics offers the finest and the most unique treatment. Max is the all in one healthcare facility stop and provides the best of medical services with a lot of compassion and care.

Comprehensive treatments at Max Dental Care

Max Dental Care is one of the most efficient dental care units. Some of the comprehensive treatments available at Max Dental Care are:

  • Veneers Porcelain- Veneers are also called dental porcelain laminates and dental veneers. Incase of the veneer treatment, wafer thin porcelain shells are bound to the front of the teeth to effect aesthetic appearance.

  • Teeth Whitening- Teeth whitening is done with the help of bleaching. The procedure involves application of peroxide-type chemical on the teeth to be whitened.

  • Teeth Cleaning/Ultrasonic Scaling- The process is carried in order to fight the periodontal disease. The plaque, tartar and bacteria are reduced from the mouth pocket in the process. Ultrasonic scaler is used for the progress. Ultrasonic scaler has a wand with scaling tip that makes a soft ultrasonic vibration and helps in doing away with calculus in teeth. Ultrasonic scaling helps in comfortable root surface access and efficient increase of calculus removal and other stubborn deposits.

  • Dental Implants – The process is a solution for tooth replacement. People with missing teeth opt for dental implants. The procedure has been recognized by American Dental Association for being a standard treatment of a range of problems. The dental implant is a procedure that has been well known for a century and is known to be an ancient art that now has undergone a revolution and is increasingly being used.

  • Teeth Straightening without Braces- Teeth Straightening is an invisible way to straighten the misaligned and crooked teeth. Undetectable aligners are used in the process and are custom-made to fit in with the requirement of unique patients.  

Come to Max Dental Care to get solutions for your dental problems. Avail facilities like dental implants, teeth cleaning, teeth whitening, veneers solutions, teeth straightening etc. You can also gift yourself a smile makeover at Max Dental Care. Trust Max. 

Dental Correction Procedures

Max Dental Care is an exceptional care unit and is one of the best in the country. Max Dental Care provides intensive care with the help of experienced dentists, tools and state of the art equipment. Some of the comprehensive dental services that Max offers are:

  • Ceramic Braces – These are made of clear glass material and are very popular amongst adult patients. Adults usually bother a lot about their personal appearance because personal appearance becomes essential for success professionally too, as one grows up. Traditionally, braces are made out of stainless steel and look very metallic when the patient smiles. In case of ceramic braces, the brackets are not that noticeable and hence, the smile doesn’t look that metallic. Ceramic brackets do not get stained or get discoloured over time. The arch wires that are used to build a conjunction with ceramic braces are not translucent but they very well blend in with ceramic brackets and are not so noticeable.

  • Completely Invisible Lingual Braces- The brackets put around the tooth are placed on the lingual aspect and are therefore not so noticeable.

  • Metal Braces- This system is used extremely widely to straighten misaligned tooth. In case of metal braces, very small metal brackets are tied and bound to the tooth being treated with the help of a wire that passes through them. Metal braces are made out of high-quality stainless steel and are used to straighten the teeth with the help of metal brackets and arch wires.
 Opt for the best, Max Dental Care would provide you with the best possible treatment and care. 

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