About Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is one of the commonest of plastic surgery procedures and is performed in order to reshape the nose.

Rhinoplasty is performed in case someone wants to change the shape of the nose, to narrow the nostril area, change the angle of the nose & upper lip, to take care of a birth defect, to relieve breathing issues. The process can really enhance the appearance of the candidate and uplift the self-confidence in a major way. People looking for improvement and perfection in their looks are good candidates to undergo Rhinoplasty.

Before the surgery, a patient has to forgo smoking, intake of vitamin E & aspirin, follow restraint on food and drinking as advised by the surgeon, as part of the preparation for the surgery. The surgery done totally from inside the nose with hidden incisions inside of the nose is called closed Rhinoplasty. A very small incision externally across the bridge of the skin between the nostrils is made in order to allow full exposure of nasal skeleton incase of external Rhinoplasty.

After the surgery the cuts in and between the nostrils are closed with the dissolvable stitches. The nose is filled with surgical packing to control bleeding. Your face may look puffy and nose may also ache after the surgery. The patient may also feel a slight headache; he should stay on bed with head elevated. The patient may encounter some bleeding and a little stuffiness during the first few days but the tissues will eventually heal.

Max Institute of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery provides expert surgery options. The state-of-the-art technology, internationally renowned surgeons and dedicated post-surgical care give the best possible environment and facilities for patients to recover fast. Come to Max for a seamless cosmetic corrective!

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