Donate your eyes

Eye Donation is a beautiful way to do some good for the humankind. Donate your eyes; take a pledge to be kind to those who do not have the power or ability to see, for those who are blinded unfortunately.

To donate eyes, you need to be above eighteen years of age. Anyone who is above eighteen years can donate eyes. Sex, blood group, region, religion are not determinant factors when some one decides to donate eyes. People who wear spectacles or people who have undergone surgery like cataract are also fit to donate eyes! Those who suffer from blindness because of any retinal and optic nerve disease can also pledge to donate eyes as long as their cornea is alright. Patients with hypertension, diabetes etc. are also good candidates to donate eyes.

In order to donate eyes of the deceased, the family members are just required to contact nearest Eye Bank as soon as possible (within 6 hours of the event of death). The family members are supposed to close the donor’s eyes and switch the fan off. The AC/Cooler needs to be running and wet cotton needs to be put onto the closed eyelids. The donor’s head needs to be kept raised using a pillow till the Eye Bank reaches the site of donation. The process of eye donation is done with the donor’s kin’s written consent along with two eye witnesses.
Come to Max Eye Care and pledge your eyes for donation. Gift someone vision for life. Donate today
Contact :

Max Speciality Clinic
S-347, Panchsheel Park
New Delhi ll0 017.
Phone: +91 11 2649 9880
Fax: +91 11 2649 9860

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