What is Botulinum Toxin injection?

Botulinum Toxin is growing popular these days owing to the fact that it greatly increases visual appeal of one’s face. Since, the world is very appearance driven nowadays, the injection is sought after by people in their middle age. The injection is made from the protein called Botulinum Toxin which is produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. Botulinum Toxin injection is used for relieving muscle spasms and wrinkles, which inturn help in improving one’s appearance.

The procedure involves the affected muscles being injected that result into blockage of chemical that signals muscle contracture. The toxin paralyzes and somewhat weakens the muscles injected. The treatment begins to affect within a day or two, and may last up to four months.

Botulinum Toxin is used for cosmetic purposes to improve the frown lines between the brows in order to improve the appearance. The frequency of taking these injections should not be more than 3 months.

Though almost everyone has a smooth surgery, this procedure is not devoid of risks completely. Some of the complications include paralysis of a muscle near to the eye that could interfere with the opening of the eyes, relieving of the muscle spasms, swelling and bruising at the site of the injection. Patients may also suffer from headache, nausea, disorientation, double vision, respiratory disorders etc. as a result of the procedure.

Max Institute of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery offers effective surgical cure with state-of-the-art facilities, highly advanced technologies and expert surgeons. Trust Max Institute of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery to undergo seamless surgery which in turn would help boost your self esteem.

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