Put a brave front and fight Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is found only in men. The cancer develops in the prostate gland which is a part of the male reproductive system and grows very slowly. Prostate gland is as small as the size of a walnut and is located near the rectum, below the bladder.

There are many types of cells in the prostate while prostate cancer stems and occurs in the gland cells. The gland cells produce the prostate fluid which further gets added to the semen. Cancer that develops in the gland cells is called Adenocarcinoma. Other rare types of cancers found in the gland cells include Small Cell Carcinomas, Transitional Cell Carcinomas and Sarcomas.
Prostate Specific-Antigen (blood test) and Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) are two ways to detect the presence of prostate cancer. Prostate Specific-Antigen is made by normal cells and cancer cells. PSA is found in semen as well as in the blood. The higher the level of the PSA, higher is the chance to catch prostate cancer. The PSA level may also increase as a result of enlargement of prostate (non-cancerous) in men as they get older (the condition is medically referred) , age and as a consequence to prostatitis which causes infection and inflammation in the prostate.
Incase of Digital Rectal Exam, the doctor inserts a well-lubricated finger in the prostate to detect any lumps or hardness in the prostate. Most of the cancers develop in back part of the prostate and can be detected during a DRE.
Neither the PSA nor the DRE screening is 100% accurate; however are primary methods to detect prostate cancer. Further screening and tests are required incase the results of either of the tests are abnormal. Therefore, it is important to stay informed and trust the specialized doctors at Max Cancer Centre. Keep yourself informed and put a brave front to cancer with the help of the expert team at Max Cancer Centre.

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