All you need to know about Rhinoplasty

What is Rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty is a nose reshaping surgery done to alter, change, and correct the angle, shape and position of the nose to ensure that the nose is better proportioned as compared to the rest of the face.

People undergo Rhinoplasty for two reasons, the first being aesthetic and the second being medical. Some people go through the surgery to ensure that they get the perfect looking nose which further enhances their appearance in totality. Other people go through the surgery to deal with medical conditions like chronic congestion and other breathing problems.

Rhinoplasty involves incisions to ensure access to the bones and the cartilage supporting the nose. The incisions are made inside the patient’s nose to make sure that they are not visible after the surgery. It may happen that the surgeon may remove a bone or a cartilage or add a tissue taken from other body part. Synthetic fillers are also used sometimes. Post the surgery, the surgeon drapes the rearranged and reshaped bone and cartilage over the nose’s structure. A splint to support the new nose shape is placed to ensure that the structure gets firm and the nose heals. Sometimes nasal packing is also done to provide proper support to the restructured nose.

Post the surgery, all the packing would be removed within a couple of days but the patient would have to wait for a week to get the splint and other bandaging removed. Post the surgery, the face or the area around the eyes and the nose may feel a little puffed up and bruised for a few days. To ease this condition, the doctor may advise the patient to use cold compresses or intake some medicine for pain. It would take 10-14 days for the whole area to heal and for the bruises and swelling to subside. The patient would be asked to keep the head elevated and still for the first few days as a precaution and post-surgery care. Strenuous activities also need to be avoided post-surgery for a few days.

It must be kept in mind that the results of this surgery are permanent. Rhinoplasty must be performed on a fully developed nose, preferably after the age of 18. The risks involved in this surgery include temporary swelling and bruising. Other problems that may occur include bleeding, injury or holes in the septum, skin problems such as tissue rupture or irritation, infection, nasal blockage, complication owing to anesthesia. It really helps if the patient has realistic expectations pertaining to the surgery.

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